Chapter 17 Secrets and Family

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//Mikasa POV//

“Are you sure? What if it’s a trap! What if there’s nothing…or a Titan?! You won’t be able to transform a third-“Mikasa started to say quickly in order to stop him but he interrupted her.

“Mikasa, calm down!” he shouted in a whisper as he carried sleeping Alice in his arms.

It was the afternoon, they spent the hours together as a family and Mikasa loved every moment. All her worries were gone as she enjoyed the peaceful day with the man she loved and also a little girl they considered their daughter. Alice soon after was so tired that she fell asleep. Eren picked her up and they spent the next hour looking around. Mikasa spotted a little store with clothes, they were dirty but all it took a blow of air to clean them and she put on a white dress like the one she used when she was little. She put a brown jacket over it and last, the red scarf. She kept the boots and the blades on. When she walked out, Eren mouth dropped as he saw her. He commented that she looked beautiful, Mikasa blushed.

Now, they were back and she remembers what she wanted to ignored and avoid. She watched Eren carefully and saw him slowly begin to walk towards the basement stairs. She stopped and tried talking to him.

“B-But Eren-“she tried again but he stopped her again.

“Mikasa…” he said gently. “It’s ok…”


“I’m being careful. I don’t know what to expect down there but I’m being careful, ok?” Eren told her with a gentle smile.

“I…I understand. But give me Alice…I’ll carry her.” Mikasa told him. He nodded and handed her to Mikasa.

And with that, Eren and Mikasa walked down the stairs holding hands. Down the stairs was an iron door that was covered in dust. Mikasa felt unease as she spotted it and felt Eren squeeze her hand. She looked at him and saw him very nervous. She raised the hand that held his and kissed it. He looked at her and she smiled with confidence.

“It’s ok…I’m here.” She told him.

“R-Right…” he said and looked at the key hole. He pulled on the key that was wrapped around his neck and placed it in the key hole. He took a quick breath and turned it to the left. They heard a click and he grabbed the doorknob, he opened it and saw only a dark room that he couldn’t see. But Mikasa spotted a lantern and motioned him to grab it. He found a box of matches and lit it up. At first, they saw wooden chests and old papers stacked up together in the tables. Then they saw wheels that belong to a wagon and a table with drawings on the wall and bottles stuck up in boxes that lids weren’t closed.

“What is this?” Mikasa asked herself as she cooed Alice back to sleep as she stirred almost awake.

“Dad has drawings of Titans…the information on how to kill them, in the neck like always but…” Mikasa turn to him when he stopped. He was holding on a book, but she saw that it was actually a journal. “Dad’s journal…”

“Open it…it might saw something about why or where he left.” Mikasa told him and he nodded. He opened and Mikasa left him a few feet away to let him read in peace.

Ten minutes passed by and Mikasa looked back at Eren, his back was turned away from her but she noticed that he might be crying. She wanted to comfort him but decided against it because he needed to find out about the truth. She looked away and suddenly heard something drop. She turned back to him to see him on the floor grabbing onto his head. The journal was on the floor beside him…

“No…Get out of my head, Michael…just get out of my head.” he said as tears began to pour out.

Michael is talking him? No…that must not be it. Is he trying to control him? If that’s the case…I have to stop him! Mikasa thought as she moved quickly with Alice still in her arms. She moved behind him and hugged him tightly.

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