Chapter18 Nightmares

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I want to thank Slasher654 for commenting to my story.

YO, SLASHER654! Thanks for that...I'LL DO MY BEST TO MAKE IT INTERESTING AGAIN FOR YA! I plan a epic ending to this story...but there will be a second story for this. So when you read the last chapter (Which i haven't started yet.) Don't worry...just type in my name...HTK200 and there will be the story hopefully soon after the last chapter. Anyway, enough of me talking bullcrap that is boring you...HERE'S THE STORY!

//Eren POV//

Eren woke up due to laughter and he sat up. Mikasa wasn’t in the bed and he got up. He threw on his uniform and walked out of the room. It has been three days now, three days that he, Mikasa, and Alice stayed at this house. Both he and Mikasa found two horses a day ago, they were somehow fine…healthy…Alice spent that day feeding it and playing with them. Eren and Mikasa gave her a ride with them and she was happy to spend the day with her ‘parents’.

 But there wasn’t a day spent that didn’t stop Eren from worrying what was going on back in the walls. He was afraid that Reiner was still alive…and looking for him. He thought it over and realized that Reiner will come for him because he killed Bertholdt in cold blood. And the nightmares still haven’t stopped those three nights. He lost count of how much he woke up gasping for breath…he can’t even remember what he was dreaming about. And he didn’t want to find out. The nightmares started after he closed Michael out of his mind and haven’t heard or felt anything from the voice.

“Mommy, look…” Eren heard Alice as he walked in the hall and to the kitchen. He saw Alice sitting at the table carving a piece of wood into a figure. She wasn’t being careful with the knife that was in her hands.

“Alice, be careful in how you hold the knife or you’ll cut yourself.” Eren told as he reached over to grab the knife but she pulled it out of his reach.

“I’m being careful!” she told him with confidents and continued to cut the wood. Eren didn’t know why she was even doing that. But he did noticed her stubbornness, he chuckle as he realized she was like him when he was little.

“Eren.” He turn around to see Mikasa…and noticed that there bags under her eyes.

“Mikasa!” he walked quickly to her side and pushed her gently to sit down on the chair. “Did you even get some sleep?”

“No…” she told him. She didn’t look at him in the eyes. Eren saw that she wasn’t paying any attention to him so he placed his hand on her shoulder. It was a bad idea because she flinched and slapped his hand away of her shoulder and pushed him away.

“Hey! What the hell, Mikasa!?” Eren demanded her as she looked up. But he stopped screaming as he saw the fear in her eyes. “M-Mikasa-“

“What’s wrong, Mommy?” Alice asked her as she approached Mikasa. Mikasa looked at her in tears but quickly looked away from Alice. Eren ran to her side and hugged her hard before she cried. She cried in his shoulder.

“Alice…could you go to your room for a while?” Eren asked his daughter. “Me and Mommy have to talk.”

“O-Ok…” she answers with a worried face. Eren knew that she was worried for Mikasa too. He watched Alice grab the knife and the wood, and with that she walked down the hall. He listened and heard the door open and close.

Best for her not to hear our conversation…I wonder what is wrong with Mikasa? Eren thought as he hugged Mikasa for a while longer.  She stop crying, he let go and looked at her. She seemed so sad…weak…and it was sort of scaring Eren to see her like that.

“Mikasa…what’s wrong?” he asked her gently. She wouldn’t answer for a while. Eren pulled her chin up and she looked at him in tears. “Mikasa…please, tell me.”

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now