Chapter 16 Alice

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(For the world of READERS! May I ask if a few may comment on my story. do you like it? Do you hate it? Please comment, well it won't make a difference sense i'm going to finish this story even if it kills me or my grades. Anyway, please comment.)

//Eren POV//

I’ll kill you! DIE YOU MOTHER- Eren didn’t finish as the Titan responsible for eating his mother bite into his neck. But it only made Eren more angrier, he roared in sheer anger as he pulled its face away, causing a piece of skin to be ripped off.

YOU BITCH! Eren screamed. All of sudden, the skin that was ripped off quickly healed back up. He didn’t noticed at first but when he did, he didn’t care as he continued to rip apart the Titan. He started with the arms…then the legs…after that, he stopped. I want you watch as I rip you apart! To feel what I felt when you took my mother! I want you to PAY!

“EREN!” he stopped when he heard Mikasa voice shouts out to him. He looked down to see her hugging the little girl a few feet away from the fight.


“Don’t lose control!” she scream.  Eren realized he was losing control and he looked at his Titan hands, they were engulfed in flames.

Damn, I was so caught up in killing it that I sort of lost it. Eren admitted to himself. He watched the flames disappear and go back to normal. He looks back to the Titan as its arms and leg began to regenerate. But he grabs hold of its neck and slammed it down to the ground. Eren decided to end this and simply stomped on its neck, killing it.

“LOOK OUT!” he then heard Mikasa scream. He felt something fall over him. He realized she meant the building that he smashed through and it was collapsing. The weight was unexpected and Eren was thrown off balance and fall. He roared and was buried alive. Broken glass and sharp wood piercing through the neck and into his real body. He felt the glass cut his skin and the wood stab through parts of his body, arms…legs…and his back.

Damn…shit, this hurts! I have to get out…I got to push through…Eren thought as he forced his Titan body to struggle out of the debris. He succeeded but was surprised to see Mikasa up closed to his Titan face attempting to dig him up. He saw her face ease up as she saw him alright; he signaled her that he was fine by gently patting her head with a finger. Eren felt the glass and shards of woods pulling out on its own. He took his time to exit his Titan form.

“Ahh…much better…” Eren signed as he felt the cool air.

“Eren!” Mikasa quickly climbed the evaporating Titan and jumped into his arms.

“Easy…I’m tired and hot right now, and-ah, what the heck. I’m happy to see you are alright.” Eren held gently. His eyes turn to look at the little girl; her eyes wide open in shock. “She looks sort of scared of me…do you mind if you can talk to her? Calm her down or something just in case?”

“Yeah…first, let’s get down from here and then stay standing here as I talk to her.” Mikasa instructed him. Eren nodded and he smiled as he picked Mikasa up and carried her down. She shrieked at his sudden action but soon giggled after.

//Mikasa POV//

He does strange things…but it’s so cute when he does it. The way his green eyes glowed alive and happy. I want to see this forever…

“Ok…I’ll wait here.” Mikasa was shaken out of her thought when he spoke.

“O-Ok.” She stuttered as he put her down. He stood there and waited as Mikasa walked to the little girl.

“Is he a monster too?” she asked Mikasa as she hid behind a dumpster.

“Sort of…he is a Titan-shifter. But he isn’t a monster. He’s a good person-“

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now