Chapter 13 Known and Death

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//Eren POV//

"I'LL KILL YOU!" Eren shouted at the Armor Titan. He raised his hand to his mouth and bit down. He transformed in mid-air and tackles his foe down. Both of them landing and smashing through the wall. But Eren was kicked off and threw him into a house. Eren in his Titan form slowly got out.

I'll kill you, Armor Titan. I was going to bring you alive...but I am going to kill you NOW! Eren shouted as he roared. He jumped on the Armor Titan and began his assault. Punching it over and over again, but he soon couldn't because his arms were gone due to the punches. I can't break his armor?!

"EREN MOVE!" he turns around to see Annie up in the air with her hand in her mouth. He quickly moved as she transformed. The light shining bright and when it ended. The Female Titan was in her place. She crystallized her feet and landed hard on the Armor Titan's stomach. The large foe mouth opened and choked up blood. But he didn't get time to react as Eren smashed his feet down on his face. Both he and Annie attacked the Armor Titan while he was down.

"Watch out!" Eren heard Michael warn him but it was too late. The Armor Titan grabbed Annie by the legs and threw her at Eren, causing the two to fall and hit the wall. The wall was already so weak that when the two Titans broke through half of the inside. "Strike him now! His legs!"

Got it! Eren nodded as he got back up. Annie arms were gone so the fight was up to him. His hands were regenerated so he swung a fist to his face. It connected and Eren took this as the chance to kick at his knees. The Armor Titan fell to its knees due to this and Eren grabbed his arm. He swung it over his shoulder and with all his strength...LAUNCHED him up in the air while still hanging on to his arm. Eren pulled him down and he landed head first through the buildings. The Armor Titan fell on his stomach and laid still.

"We got him!" Michael shouted in victory.'s not over...he's coming out... Eren spotted the steam exploding out from the neck of the Armor Titan. Eren collapsed down as well and exited his Titan form. Eren didn't feel weak and was thankful for that. Smoke and steam surrounded the two Titan-shifters as they walk towards each other. But then...

Who is that?

"Don't know...wait!"

No...this can't be. Eren stop mid-step as he recognized the Titan-shifter. The blonde cut short hair. His small eyes staring at him as he recognized his friend. He was smiling!

"Reiner!" Eren couldn't believe it...he didn't want to. "I-It can't can't be the Armor Titan-"


Eren couldn't finish as he felt a blade pierce his back and through his stomach. He slowly looked at the blade sticking out from his belly. He fell to his knees. He saw a shadow creep over him and he look up to see Bertholdt with an evil smile spreading across his face.

"B-Bertholdt?" Eren spoke up and he nodded. He walked beside Reiner and they began to put on 3DM Gears.

"This is where you die, Eren." Reiner told him as they finished with the finally strap. "Accept it..."

"No..." Eren spoke softly. Eren looked at the ground to see his blood. But he stopped as he looked at his hands.

I held Mikasa hands with these hands, huh? Eren smiled. But he remember something that brought so much anger to hold in.

"Promise me that you will be alright."

"Mikasa..." he couldn't stop imagining her crying. "Mikasa..."

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now