Chapter 10 Taken Attempt and "You saved me!"

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//Eren POV//

"Thanks for dropping me off, Eren." Mikasa said as she kissed him goodnight. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah...hope you dream of me." Eren smiled.

"You too...goodnight." Mikasa smiled back as she closed the door.

"...night..." Eren said as he walked away happily.

When he arrived back to the cabin, he took off the tux and put on some clothes to sleep in but he couldn't sleep. He was wide awake. So for the next hour, all he did was walk around the cabin and wondered how the guys are back in Trost? Were they safe? He wondered if the Colossal Titan would show up again in Trost...

What if it did? What if it attacked Trost again! Is Armin dead?! on Eren...calm down; don't put those thoughts in your head. Eren distracted those thoughts by thinking about Mikasa. He laid down thinking what was going to happen to them when he has killed all of the Titans. Will he move in to a house with her...get marry with Mikasa...and start a family-

"Woah...get those ideas out of your head, Eren." He said to himself. "Take it don't know if she would want that!" would be nice, someday...maybe someday we can be a family-Eren's train of thought was interrupted by a huge headache. He fell off the bed in pain and gripping his head tightly. He heard a huge annoying noise hitting his ears at full blast. He closed his eyes tightly as well.

"What...the...hell-"He felt someone kicking him in the stomach over and over again. But when he opened his eyes. He saw no one there but the kicking continued.

"Stupid bitch..." Eren heard someone but no one was there.

"So she the last of her kind..." Eren was sure it was a man's voice.

"Last of her kind? Who is 'She'?" Eren yelled out over the noise.

"EREN!!" His eyes shot wide open as he recognized the voice. It wasn't like the other voices, this was...

What is this...that voice, that's Mikasa voice! Eren thought as the headache stopped and the ringing noise faded away. He knew that he wasn't imagining this.

"It's know that Mikasa is in danger. Didn't you hear the other voices along with hers?" Eren heard another voice.

"Who's there?!" Eren stood up and looked around scared. "Am I dreaming? Is this another nightmare?"

"'s very real, and Mikasa really is in danger. Go now!" Eren obeyed the voice and ran off to Mikasa's cabin.

This sounds like me...what are you...?

//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa closed the door. She quickly changed and happily threw herself on the bed. She giggled silently so she wouldn't wake the other girls. But she heard movement and Christa was in front of her.

"How was your date?" Christa whispered so she wouldn't wake the others up.

"It was so beautiful...we ate dinner. And we went to the bridge Armin took you for your date." Mikasa told her with a smile on her face.

"Good...oh and Mikasa, take off your scarf. Don't forget." Christa told her as she made her way back to her bed. "Goodnight."

"Night..." Mikasa whispered back as she laid her scarf next to her and she fell asleep quickly.

"There she is...quickly! Tie the other girls up as well!" Mikasa was awakened by a voice. She slowly opened her eyes and felt something in her hands. She tried to move a little but couldn't. Her eyes open in shock as she realized that she was tied up. She began to struggle.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now