Chapter 14 Venom

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(Before reading...please read my other story. Just type my name, HTK200, and you'll find it there.)

//Eren POV//

“DAMN IT!” Eren screamed as he attempted to get close to the Colossal Titan neck but it always swung its hand at him. He knew turning into his Titan form wouldn’t work. He was left with only fighting in his human form. But then quickly saw a opening, he shot a cord at its neck and went for it at full speed. He swung the blades and got it. The blades slicing through deep, he cut some more as he realized that the Colossal Titan was distracted by the cannons hitting him. He sliced some more and finally saw Bertholdt inside. He reached for him and grabbed him by the shirt. He used his free hand to saw off his arms and legs. Bertholdt screamed in pain as he realized what was happening. Eren pulled him out and held him by the neck over nothing but air.

His heart…I have to stab his heart to kill him…

“E-EREN!” he screamed in fear. But Eren simply raised the blade at his chest and stabbed through him. Bertholdt cough up blood and it only caused Eren to deepen the blade and into his heart.

“This is…THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!” he shouted as he pulled the blade out and dropped Bertholdt. He watched him fall 50 meters down. The Colossal Titan was crumbling down beneath Eren’s feet.

//Mikasa POV//

“Let’s go…Eren won!” Sasha screamed in joy as Mikasa watched from afar Eren kill Bertholdt and letting his body fall into the smoke and debris.

“He won…he did it!” Mikasa was so happy he was fine. She felt like she can calm down a bit. She looked at Annie’s corpse as it was now covered in rocks like a grave. They lost Wall Rose but stopped one of the creatures that can destroy them. “Annie…he did it. And yes, you did good…”

“LOOK OUT!” She heard Connie scream but before she could realize what he was warning her about. A massive hand grabbed hold on her and she was off the ground. She screamed and struggled to escape. She stopped to realize the hand belonged to the Armor Titan…Reiner.

“Reiner! Let her go!” she heard Connie scream out.

“Mikasa!” Sasha yelled. She looked down to her. She was scared, so Mikasa knew that if they came after her. The Armor Titan will only kill them.

They wouldn’t stand a chance against him! But maybe…

“Get Eren! Sasha, Connie! Get Eren, he is the only one who can stand chance against Reiner!” Mikasa instructed them and they nodded. They speed off in their 3DM Gears. She figured that maybe she can distract Reiner as she waited.

“Reiner! Hey Reiner…you can’t win now! Everyone knows who you are! Connie…Sasha…everyone knows! You can’t hide behind the walls now!” Mikasa laughed at him but to her shock. He wasn’t paying any attention to her. He moved quickly to the wall. She then realized that he was attempting to escape…and with her.

No…NO! I can’t be taken…Eren, save me. I’m being kidnapped!

“EREN!” She screamed but he was nowhere to be seen. The Armor Titan began to jog and then he broke into a sprint. Mikasa closed her and tried her best to cover her face as he ram at the wall and successfully broke through. She felt something…a rock? It hit her head and before she knew it, she was knocked out cold.

//Eren POV//

Eren heard the shouts of Connie and Sasha and realized what they were saying. It was after a few minutes ago as he watched the massive Titan break apart and fall. After they told him what happen to Mikasa. He was off at full speed. He passed by so many soldiers as they all struggle to kill the Titans coming in. Eren was surprised that there were only a few Titans in the area so there weren’t many human losses. But he shook that off his mind and focused on getting Mikasa away from the Armor Titan.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now