Chapter 6 Healing the Broken Hearts

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//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa sat down at the diner and ate her food slowly, as she has been doing for the few days. She didn’t talk to the others and barely trained. She looks up to see Armin talking to Christa and Ymir; he began to laugh with them. She thought that he might have told some sort of joke. Christa nodded her head like she agreed to something. And Ymir look like she was thinking hard about something, but then gave him a thumbs up. Armin walked out with Ymir and Christa walked to her table…

//Christa POV//

Ok…just go with Armin’s plan, and Mikasa hopefully would be back to normal after this. It should be easy sense I’m a pretty good liar. Oh god! She’s looking at me! Just sit down and start talking to her. Christa thought to herself as she sat across of Mikasa. Mikasa ignored her continued eating.

“Hey, Mikasa…” Christa called out to her but Mikasa didn’t look up. “…Mikasa?”

“What?” she said harshly.

“Armin wanted help with his 3DM Gear later on…to train exactly and thought you could help him?” She told her and waited for a response. Mikasa nodded quietly and looked at Christa.

“When? And why me?” she asked her.

“Tomorrow in the morning. You’re very good at using your gear…and don’t worry. We’re going as well! I got to go! See ya!” Christa stood up and ran out.

I couldn’t take it anymore! She kept giving that hopeless look and I could barely speak without stuttering!

“Christa?” she heard someone called her and she turned around to see Annie walking towards her.

“Oh hey, Annie!” she greeted her with a sweet smile. “How are you?”

“I’m good…listen. I was wondering, if you and the other girls like to hang out. To start over. If you want to…” Annie blushed in embarrassment.

“Sure!” Christa nodded happily.



“Ok…and tell Eren good luck with Mikasa.” Annie told her as she walked away.

“Christa!” Christa heard Armin as he arrived. “How it went?”

“According to plan. Did you tell Eren yet?” she asked him.

“Not yet…I’ll tell him later. You head back with Sasha to prepare the wooden Titans?” he asked her.

“Sure…but why?”

“Don’t know…Eren asked if we could.” Armin told her. “A-And Christa…I was wondering i-if we c-could…I don’t know…eat later tonight together.” Armin asked her nervously.

“A-Are you asking me…on a date?” she felt her heart beat rapidly.” S-Sure…Where?”

//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa woke up the next day and got ready. She put on her scarf and uniform then grabbed her 3DM Gear. She then saw Annie at the door.

“Hey…” she greeted her but Mikasa ignored her and walked past her. “Ok…fine…ignore me all you want.”

“Shut up…” Mikasa said as she walked to the training forest. Though she wondered why Annie wasn’t with Eren, she only sees her with him in training…

When she arrived, there was no one there but the fake wooden Titans that were already set up. So she decided to practice, she check quickly on her gear to see if it was good to go. Minutes later, she up in the sky and soaring through the trees. She felt the breeze in her face and she just for a few minutes enjoying it. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Eren. She couldn’t shake him off her mind.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now