Chapter 9 The Date

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//Mikasa POV//

Mikasa sat down nervously. There was only an hour left until getting ready for her date. She wouldn’t sit still and began to walk around the cabin nervously.

“Mikasa! Sit down!” Hanji showed up with Annie walking in.

“Hanji wanted to do your hair. Sorry.” Annie told her.

“I-It’s ok…C-Christa just left, s-so she c-can do i-it.” Mikasa stuttered. “I’m so n-nervous!”

“It’s ok, come on. You’re the strongest chick I know. Don’t get nervous that easily.” Hanji grinned. “Let’s do your hair!”

//Eren POV//

No one is here to help me out with getting ready, and I’m nervous as hell! What if Mikasa doesn’t like fancy restaurants or bracelets! Can I even give her a good date? Eren thought to himself as his were shaking trying to button up his shirt.

“EREN!” he jumped as someone yelled out his name. He turns around to see Levi standing at the door.

“C-Captain Levi?!” Eren gasped. “Why are you still doing here?”

“Remember…I don’t leave without you. Remember I said I’m the only human who can stop you.” Levi said with no emotion in his face. But he raised an eyebrow as he saw Eren in a tux. “What’s up with the tux?”

“Uh…the tux…well. I’m taking Mikasa on a date. S-So I’m going to wear a tux on our date-“

“No.” Levi told him.

“W-What! I can’t go?!” Eren yelled angry. “But Captain Levi-“

“I don’t mean it like that!” Levi told him. “I mean that your tux isn’t well placed! Fix it up!”

“Y-Yes sir!” Eren saluted as Levi walked out. And with that, Eren took his time to get ready. His tuxedo was well placed now and he placed the bracelet in a small box. He smiled brightly as he looked at himself in the mirror.

I look good! Eren grinned as he grabbed the rose he plans to give to his girlfriend. My girlfriend…Mikasa. I know she is going to enjoy this date. Just go impress her!

//No Ones POV//

Mikasa was all prepare for the date. So she was alone, waiting patiently for Eren. But she couldn’t help but feel nervous. She wondered if Eren would like her dress. She was then wanting him to come right now. To take her hand and take her away. And like that, Mikasa heard knocking on the door. She felt her heart skip a beat as she heard his voice.

“Mikasa, you there? Let’s go!” she heard him.

“O-OK!” Mikasa stutter as she opened the door and saw Eren in a tux.

“Mikasa…” Eren was blushing furiously as he saw her in the dress. She was still even wearing the scarf.

“E-Eren…” Mikasa gasped as she saw him dressed like that. He looks…so…hot…

“L-Let’s go then!” Eren stuttered but stopped. Closed his eyes. And gave her the rose. “This is for you.”

“Thank you…” Mikasa said as she placed the rose on her hair. Eren raised his hand for her to take. She gladly took but gasped in surprise as Eren pulled her towards him and kissed her gently. He pulled away and smiled.

“I’m making sure you have the night of your life, Mikasa.” Eren told her happily.

“Yes…but this is already the night of my life. As long as I’m with you.” Mikasa told him as they walked out to the restaurant holding hands.

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now