Chapter 1

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My first FanFiction for two characters of Attack On Titan. Like others, its after the fight of Eren vs Annie. The couples are Eren and Mikasa. The story begins with Eren suffering from nightmares and his sad heart because Mikasa refused him because of Jean. Well here goes my story...

//Eren POV//

"Damn it!" Eren cried out as he zoomed past through the trees in the large forest. He looked over his shoulder to see that Annie in her Titan form chase after him. He couldn't lose her...he can't remember how he got here, why he is here. But he took off faster before the Female Titan can reach him.

I'm going to get away! For a second, I thought I had to fight Annie, but there is no way I can beat her! Eren thought as he speeded though the trees with his 3DM Gear. But the voice that he heard made him slow down.

"EREN!!" he look back to see Mikasa trying to catch up to him, she hasn't noticed the Female Titan!

"Mikasa? Mikasa...MIKASA!" Eren swing around a tree to turn back but all he could do was watch as the Female Titan swing her crystallized fist at her. Mikasa manage to dodge it from herself but it hit the cord of her Gear.

"..." Eren saw that Mikasa hit the tree but manage to hang on to it. She looked down to see the Female Titan looking up at her, waiting for her to move and kill her.

"AHHH!!!" Eren screamed to get Annie's attention from Mikasa but it was hopeless. Annie jumped up and swung her leg at Mikasa but missed as she drove down away from her leg. Mikasa began to swing away but couldn't see what was about to happen.

"Wait for-" she didn't finished because it was too late. Annie second foot hit her straight impact to the tree. Her body smashed between them and her blood going everywhere.

"NO!" Eren launched himself high up and saw that she was dead. Her body falling all the way down. This can't be happening...he looked at Annie as she landed on her feet and stood up slowly.

I'm going to...he raised his hand close to his mouth as he saw images of Mikasa in his head.

"I'm going to..." he said as tears ran down his face. Then he saw an image of Mikasa crying when he gave her the red scarf. He then snapped into anger.

"...KILL YOU!" he bite his hand and transformed into his Titan form. He gave out a mighty roar as he landed on the floor. But then...he couldn't move! His Titan arm raised up and pulled Eren out of the nape of the neck.

What's happening! I'm supposed to be in control of my Titan form! Why can't I- he was then swallowed by his Titan self...

"Where...where am I?" he asked himself as he opened his eyes. He gasped in fear as he found himself again in the stomach of a Titan. He saw bodies everywhere and recognized them all.

"A-Armin...Jean...Levi..." he saw their faces in a frightened expressions. He saw the rest of his friends as well...and they all began to speak to him.

"Why couldn't you save us...Why couldn't you save us..." they all chanted at him. He backed away in fear but found others behind him. Soldiers and Levi's squad, all chanting the same thing over and over again.

" me..." his voice was only a whisper. He put his hands to his ears and screamed in fear. He stopped screaming when he saw bubbles rise up in front of him. He tried to look closer but was stopped by two arms shooting up and grabs him by the neck. His father rose from the bottom and choked and shook Eren around.

"SAVE US, EREN!" he shouted to his son. But Eren screamed in fear as his father face began to melt and it was only a skull. "WHY COULDN'T YOU SAVE US?"

(Eren X Mikasa Book 1) Until the Day I DieWhere stories live. Discover now