Chapter 1: Alone

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Years have gone by since the dead started walking. You found yourself alone and worn out. It had been ages since you've been with other people, and even longer since you actually felt safe.

Every day on the road seemed to get harder and harder. Food was growing more scarce by the day and shelter was almost impossible to find.

Most buildings had been picked clean of supplies and those that hadn't were overrun by walkers. This meant you needed to be on the move at all times.

The only reason you were still alive right now was because you were constantly staying on your feet. For the past few months you've been following along roads and avoiding populated areas after too many close calls. You only allowed yourself to get a few hours of rest before setting back out due to the fear of getting swarmed by walkers.

Living like this was definitely starting to take its toll on you. You were always tired and completely exhausted by the end of the day. To make matters worse, supplies were running dangerously low and most places were already fully looted.

You knew living like this was only hurting you, but you didn't really have a choice anymore. Your only real chance to make it any longer would be to find other people to survive with... but you knew the chances of that were slim.

This morning was just like every other day on the road. Only difference was the cold rain pouring down outside of the house you'd taken shelter in.

Before you decide to head out, you pick up your backpack and go over the last of your supplies. You find your machete strapped to the side of the pack and your knife put away in a small pocket.

You unzip your backpack and find a flashlight running on its last batteries, two cans of food, and a bottle of water. Probably enough to last you another day or two.

You sigh and sling the backpack over your shoulder as you stand up. After making sure you had everything ready to go, you open the door and get back onto the road.

It had been roughly eight years since the world fell apart. Going it alone might've gotten you this far, but that way of life was nearing its end...

*Hours later*

Hours have passed since you set out for the day. You were starting to feel the exhaustion from walking for hours on end.

You didn't know what time it was, but you knew the sun would be setting soon. To make matters worse... the rain was still steadily coming down, making your clothes completely soaked and the road wet and slippery.

It had been a few hours since you've seen a building. The only thing on either sides of the road were trees now. Not a good sign considering the sun would be gone at any moment.

At this point you had no idea what to do. Sure, you've faced tough situations like this before... but you didn't see a way out this one.

You keep walking for a few more minutes before you see movement up the road.

You immediately crouch down behind a car and slowly peek over the top. With the sun quickly disappearing, you couldn't tell what was moving.

It takes a second before you spot them. Walkers. There were at least twenty that you could see from here. This was not what you needed right now.

You notice that they weren't moving your way. Instead, most of them were walking towards the middle of the street. You move to the front of the car to get a better look.

After taking a moment to figure out what they were doing, you see the herd surrounding something on the ground. Looks like an unlucky survivor or animal got caught by the dead.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now