Chapter 31A

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Choice A "Believe James"

"I... I wish I could see it that way. It'd be nice to think that everyone wasn't actually gone," you say quietly.

"In a way, they're just lost," James replies.

AJ looks up to you and Clementine for a moment before he steps forward.

"Do you really think there's people inside of monsters?" He asks with a confused look.

James nods his head as he glances back to the barn.

"Somewhere, yes," he replies. He looks back over to you and Clementine.

"Think about it this way.. has someone either of you cared about turned?" He asks.

You and Clem both freeze and stare back at him, as the memories of all the people you've lost start to flood into your mind.

You quickly snap out of it and nod your head as Clementine looks away with a saddened expression.

James notices your reactions, and a look of regret immediately crosses his face.

"Uh, sorry.. maybe this wasn't the best way to explain. Didn't mean to bring up difficult memories," he says with an apologetic look in his eyes.

You nod your head as James rubs the back of his neck before turning to face the barn again.

"...I lived among walkers for years. Still do, in a way. When they're alone.. They're harmless. Innocent. If you want my help, I need you to walk with them. Then tell me if you really believe they're just monsters," he explains.

You and Clementine look to each other, worried about what he was asking of you. You open your mouth to reply to him, only for AJ to speak up first.

"They are just monsters! They're not people or friends. Right?" AJ explains as he looks to you and Clementine for reassurance.

"Whoever decides to go in there will be safe. I promise," James replies. AJ shakes his head as he looks to the barn.

"Clem, Y/N.. this isn't smart. It's- it's too dangerous!"

You sigh as you glance over to Clementine. You needed James's help. There was no other way you'd ever rescue your friends if he wasn't on your side.

You kneel down to AJ and put your hand on his shoulder.

"AJ, we need to do whatever it takes to save our friends. They'd do the same for us," you calmly explain.

AJ stares back at you, shocked by how you were going along with what James wanted. After a moment he sighs and looks away.

"I.. okay. Fine," he says quietly.

You stand back up and look to Clementine to see a nervous look in her eyes.

"I'll go in there for us. If something were to go wrong, I'd rather it be me in there than you," you say as Clem looks back to you worriedly.

"Are.. are you sure?" She asks. You look over to the closed barn door as you try to ready yourself for one of the most insane things you've ever agreed to do.

"Yeah, I'll be okay," you reply after a moment. You start to walk over to James as AJ rushes in front of you.

"Y/N, the first rule is never go alone!" He exclaims anxiously.

"I'm not leaving buddy. I'll be right back," you reply with a reassuring smile. AJ opens his mouth to argue against you, but gives up after a moment.

"Okay, just.. find the exits," he says after a moment.

"I will," you reply.

"Don't let fear take over," AJ continues. You nod your head with a confident smile before answering him.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now