Chapter 26A

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If you chose to let AJ have dibs on Abel, this is your story.

I start to think what he said over. Abel has done alot to hurt AJ.. but the way he said it worries me...

I kneel down to his level.

"AJ, you can never talk about killing like this again, okay? We don't treat killing like a game, or like it's fun..." I explain. He looks down and nods his head.

"Look, you can have first shot at him just because of everything he's done to you, but you have to keep it under control. We're going to be fighting a whole group, not just Abel. I need you to remember that," I add after a moment.

AJ nods his head confidently.

"Okay Clem. I promise," he says as he looks back out to the forest.

"I'm grown up now," he says happily. I giggle as Y/N shakes his head with a smile.

"No, you're not," I reply with a laugh.

"But I'm close," AJ replies. I roll my eyes as I look over to Y/N. He opens his mouth to say something as AJ gasps.

"Wait, Clem I see something," he says worriedly. We both look down to him as our hearts drop.

"Let me see those AJ," Y/N quickly says as he takes the binoculars.

He starts to examine the forest as I look back between him and the trees nervously. He spots something out there and looks to me.

"Clem... you need to see this," he says with a worried look. He hands me the binoculars and I look out into the trees.

I quickly see them. There was a small group of people making their way through the forest. I take a deep breath as I look back to Y/N and AJ.

"They're here."

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