Chapter 37A: Whatever It Takes II

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(If you chose to go hunting with Louis, this is your story. Chapter 37B if Violet)

The eight of you reach the meeting spot after another few minutes of walking. From your current view of the boat far off in the distance, everything actually looked like you could stand a chance with this rescue mission.

All of the torches and flood lights set up around the boat were definitely drawing the nearby walkers towards the river, which gave you a bit of hope for your first part of the plan.

"Okay everyone, while we wait on James, let's go over the plan again. We all need to make sure we're completely on the same page for this to work," Clementine calls out to everyone.

The others all gather around you and Clem as you look around to them.

"So for any of us to actually have an opening to make it to the boat, we'll need to create distractions, Clementine explains as she looks to Ruby and Tennessee.

"Ruby, you and Tenn are both still in charge of setting the horses hay on fire. That'll hopefully get the raiders attention long enough for Willy to steal their supply rafts, and enough of an opening for us to sneak onto the boat."

"After we've made it onto the boat, find cover and wait for us to get off with our friends.. if it all goes to plan, we'll be out of here just as the bomb goes off," Clem explains as she looks to you, AJ, Vi, and Louis.

"As for everyone else who'll be boarding the boat.. we'll need to split up into two groups. Traveling as a five person group through the inside of the boat is too risky, so I'll take AJ and one more person with me to find where they're keeping our friends, while Y/N takes the other down to the boiler to plant the bomb," she finishes as everyone nods their heads in understanding.

You notice Louis look out towards the boat as a worried look crosses his face.

"..And this James guy... we're sure he's gonna bring a herd of walkers with him.. if he even shows up?" He asks after a second. The kids all look to you and Clementine unsurely, knowing that this plan meant nothing if James didn't fulfill his part.

You glance over to Clem for a moment before opening your mouth to reply, just as you start to hear movement from the trees behind you. You and the rest of the kids all turn to see a masked James walking up to you.

"Good lord!" Ruby exclaims with a gasp as the others all look to the new face worriedly.

"Uh.. well speaking of him.." Louis quietly mutters as he takes few steps back.

"You're here!" AJ says with a grin as James looks around nervously.

"Uh.. hello..." he says quietly as his eyes dart around to everyone. You take a step towards him as you look back to the other kids.

"Uh.. guys, this is James..." you explain as you look around to everyone. They all stare back to you for a moment, unsure of what to say about the strange male before Tenn steps forward a bit.

"He's.. uh...."

"So cool!!" Willy interrupts as he rushes past Tennessee and directly up to James.

"How'd you manage to get the skin like that?" Willy asks as he looks up to his mask.

"Oh.. I.. uh.. Clementine..?" James asks as he anxiously looks around to all the new faces.

You and Clem both notice his struggling state as you step forward and gently pull Willy back from the newcomer.

"Now isn't really the time for this, Willy. Give him some space," you say quietly, as Willy steps back with an embarrassed look.

"Right. Sorry.. I didn't mean to freak you out or anything," he replies.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now