Chapter 26: Watch

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Clementine pov*

Me and Y/N walk over to the watchpost together. We climb up the ladder to see AJ already looking out into the woods with his binoculars.

"Whatcha doing kiddo?" I ask happily.

Instead of saying anything AJ just turns to face me and Y/N. Something was on his mind again...

"What is it AJ?" Y/N asks.

"The raiders.. that guy. He's gonna be with them," AJ explains. I sigh and nod my head.

"Abel. Yeah, he'll be here," I answer. I start to feel a sad feeling overwhelm me.

"Your bad dreams.. They're all about him, aren't they?" I ask quietly.

AJ looks down and nods his head.

"Yeah," he says with an ashamed look. Me and Y/N both look down to him, feeling bad for what he was going through.

AJ suddenly looks up to us with an excited expression.

"Clem, can I swear yet?" He asks. I look back to him, confused by his sudden change of personality.

"I think it's time I can if both of you do," he continues. I smile as I look to Y/N, wanting his opinion.

"Uh, I don't see a problem. Just as long as he doesn't go overboard with it," he replies with a shrug. I guess he was right. Everyone else here already swears, so AJ should be allowed to too.

I nod my head before looking back to AJ.

"Okay, I guess it's time that you can start. But, shit is the upper limit," I say with a smirk. AJ nods his head with an excited grin as he looks back out into the trees.

"That guy is a f-" he starts, but notices my glare.

"..A shitbird," he says after a moment. I smile and roll my eyes as Y/N chuckles from next to me.

I lean into Y/Ns side and rest my head on his shoulder as we all look out into the forest together, enjoying the moment of peace.

"I'd take a big shit right on his head," AJ suddenly says with a smile. I gasp and look down to AJ, shocked by what he just said  v

Y/N starts to laugh as I sigh.

"Okay, that's enough AJ," I say warningly. I'm starting to regret giving him permission to swear...

I look back out into the trees and start to think. AJs been having bad dreams about Abel since we met him...

I look down to him after a moment.

"AJ.. it's okay if Abel frightens you. You know how to control that," I explain. AJ looks up to me and shakes his head.

"Clem, I'm not scared of him. But when he comes here, I call dibs. I get to kill him," he says coldly. Me and Y/N both look down at him, worried with how he sounded.

"What?" Y/N asks with a concerned look.

"I want to kill him. It should be me," AJ explains. He looks up to both of us as he notices our nervous looks.

Clem choice time...

Choice A: Let AJ have dibs

Choice B: Don't let AJ have dibs

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