Chapter 25: Together

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You and Clementine head out into the school yard together. The sun has completely vanished now, leaving the yard lit up by the torches you set up a few days ago.

You spot AJ over by the picnic tables with Tenn.

"It's getting pretty late. How about we go get AJ and head to our room?" Clementine asks.

"Sounds good to me. I definitely could use some sleep," you reply. The two of you start to walk over to AJ and Tenn.

"Hey guys. What are you two doing?" You ask as you reach them.

"Tenn's helping me draw!" AJ explains as he holds up a piece of paper. You could see some stick figures standing in front of a house.

You send AJ a smile. Compared to last week, he was definitely getting better at drawing.

"That's nice AJ. I'm sure Tenn's teaching you everything he knows," you reply happily.

"Yeah, we're both artists now," AJ says cheerfully.

"Well, I'm sure you two can draw again in the morning. It's time to get ready for bed AJ," Clementine says after a moment.

AJ sends Clem a sad look before nodding his head. He stands up and waves to Tennessee before the three of you start to walk away.

"Where were you guys at earlier? After the game I couldn't find you," AJ asks. You look to Clementine and smile.

"Uh, we were up on the balcony together," you explain. AJ continues to look at you both.

"Why?" He asks.

"We wanted to spend some time together kiddo," Clementine replies.

AJ nods his head, but still has a somewhat confused look.

You all reach the dorms and you walk inside. You make your way to your room and you follow Clem and AJ inside.

You head over to your bed as Clementine walks AJ to his bed.

"Time for bed, goofball," she says with a smile. AJ sighs and looks over to the door.

"Clem.. can I go on patrol for a bit?" He asks. You and Clementine both look back to him with confused expressions.

"Patrol?" You ask. AJ sighs as he looks back to you.

"It's where you walk around looking for danger. I want to make sure the school is safe," he explains. You chuckle and shake your head.

"The school is safe buddy. We've got the walls fortified and people out on lookout," you reply. AJ looks back to you with a slightly worried look.

"I know but.. what if something happens? I want to be out there. Just in case," he explains.

He looks up to Clementine.

"I'll make sure to get some sleep tonight Clem. I just wanna do more for you and Y/N. I'm old enough now," he continues.

Clementine sighs as she looks to you for advice. You shrug and smile back to her.

"I mean, he just wants to help out. Nothing wrong with that," you explain. Clem nods her head after a moment, and she looks back to AJ.

"I don't love the idea, but okay.. go ahead. Be careful," she says. AJs face lights up as he looks to you thankfully.

"Got it. Thanks Clem. I'll protect you two real good," he replies as he rushes over to the door.

Clementine giggles as he leaves the room. You both look to each other as you send her a smirk.

"You sure raised a weird kid Clementine," you say teasingly. She smiles as she sits down next to you.

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