Chapter 11: Plans change

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So, this chapter was already published... but I had to go back and revise it, since the next few chapters didn't add up with how this one ended.

I rewrote everything and now it's all adding up better, and I'm sorry about messing up like that :(

The group of you could see the train station in the distance. It was growing darker and darker outside, and you were starting to hear the groans of the dead.

You all reach the train station after a few minutes. The sounds of the undead filled the air. You guessed there was a few dozen inside of the barriers. You didn't think that explosion would've attracted this many...

You walk over to the gates and hide behind a wrecked train car next to the entrance.

"It sounds like there's a lot in there," Louis whispers with a worried look.

"If we're careful, we can make it through," Clementine replies. Clem looks over to you and starts to make her way to your side.

"I'm gonna get a closer look. See what we're dealing with," she says. You nod your head and step out of her way.

Clementine steps up onto the train car and peeks around the corner of it. After a moment she looks back to you all and steps down from the car.

"Okay, I've got a plan," she says. You all get close and look to her.

"If one of us can get onto that train car back there and distract the walkers, the rest of us can get inside and take whatever food we can and get out," Clementine explains. You look behind her towards the train car she was talking about.

It connected to another car next to it and looked to be in stable enough condition. It could work.

"Good idea. But... who's gonna distract them?" You ask.

"Louis. I vote Louis," Violet replies with no hesitation. Louis looks back to her with a shocked expression.

"Uh, hold on.. I'd like to make an alternate suggestion," he says nervously.

"Oh come on Louis. You're loud, dramatic, annoying... you're basically perfect for this," Violet replies. You nod your head in agreement.

Louis gives you both glares before looking down. He shakes his head and sighs.

"Fine. But if I die... I'm making sure walker Louis gets you guys first," he says with a glare.

"I'll follow you guys to the building and hide somewhere outside. Watch your guy's backs from out here," Violet says. You and Clem nod your heads.

"Okay, sounds good. Y/N, I'll need you with me and AJ to get the food," Clementine says. You nod your head and look back towards the stations front gates.

"Alright, I'll distract them until I see you guys reach safe cover. Then, I'll redirect the smelly patrol to give you guys a chance to get inside," Louis says from next to you.

"Okay, when we get into position, I'll signal you. Then you can do your thing," Clem replies.

Louis nods his head and turns to make his way towards the train car. You look over to the sign above the gate and notice the bell hanging down from it. You quickly think of an idea.

"Wait, hang on Louis!" You say as you grab the bell, being careful to not let it ring.

Louis turns to face you and sees what you were holding. He takes the bell and starts to make his way to the car.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now