Chapter 36: Whatever it Takes

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Here it is.. the long awaited continuation of Alive Inside :)

I'd honestly recommend reading through the whole story again, just because of long I've been gone. Or re-read at least all of the choices and outcome chapters again, as the rest of this episode will be a bit cluttered with endings. Anyways, sorry for the wait.. but I'm finally back :)

Your POV*

The sound of AJ calling your name slowly wakes you up as you drowsyly open your eyes.

Your room was filled with darkness, with the only light being the streaks of moonlight coming through the boarded up windows.

"Y/N.. it's time," AJ repeats as you look over to him. You watch as the boy hops down from his bed as you anxiously go to rub your eyes, remembering the plan and everything that was about to happen.

AJ starts to get his things ready as you glance over to your side to see Clementine peacefully leaning up against your body, still fast asleep. You really didn't want to wake her up to the current situation.. but you had no choice.

You start to slowly sit up, pulling away from Clem as you hesitantly go to nudge her shoulder.

"Clem, hey.. it's time to get up," you softly say to her, causing her eyes to slowly flutter awake as she looks up to you drowsyly.

You watch as she slowly continues to wake herself up as a sudden realization hits her. She sits up and looks to you with a slightly worried expression crossing her face.

"It's time.. isn't it?" She asks quietly.

"Yeah.." you reply as you look back to her with a similar expression. The two of you lock eyes as you think back to her words of comfort back up on the bell tower. The scared and nervous feelings were still present within you, but you both had to be strong now.

The two of you take a few more moments to fully snap out of your drowsy states before you both climb out of your bed to get everything ready to set out.

You head over to the drawer next to your bed as you pick up your machete and knife, as Clementine slings Marlons old bow around her shoulder.

The three of you finish gathering your things as you all make your way to the door. You and Clem both glance to each other, unsure of how to feel right now as AJ moves past you both.

"We've got a long walk," he says as he pushes the door open.

The walk down the hallway was completely silent. A few other kids had also left their rooms at the same time, but nobody had anything to say to each other. The nervous realization that this was actually happening had finally set in. You just hoped you'd all be able to keep your cool until it was over...

You and the others reach the doors leading outside as you all walk outside, seeing Violet and Louis already waiting by the flagpole in the center of the schoolyard.

Everyone gathers up next to the flagpole as you look around, making sure you were all present. There were eight of you in total. That's how many of you were left standing at the school... eight people up against what would be an entire army.

Everyone looks around nervously for a moment before Louis clears his throat with a worried look.

"So.. we're actually going to do this..." he quietly says as he looks around to everyone. You feel the eyes of the other kids land on you and Clementine, as Clem steps past you into the center of the group.

"We have to. Mitch, Aasim, and Omar would do the same for us. We can't just give up on them," she replies as she looks to everyone confidently. The others all nod their heads in agreement, realizing that she was right.. You all couldn't just give up. After fighting this hard for the school and each other.. giving up now wasn't an option.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now