Chapter 18: Exile

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You've been walking for awhile now. It's been at least a few hours since you've left the school.

The sun was starting to set now, which wasn't good for you. You guessed that you had maybe an hour or two to find somewhere to hold out for the night.

Louis and Violet were walking behind you all. It was probably best to put some space between each other...

AJ looks up to you and Clementine as you walk.

"Will we get another car?" He asks curiously.

"Probably not. We got really lucky with the last one," Clem answers. AJ looks down.

"So we're walking..." he says disappointedly.

"Yeah, we are.." Clementine replies sadly.

"My shoes are gonna break," AJ says with a hopeless look.

"Well, we'll have to hope they hold out," Clementine replies.

"My feet are gonna bleed again," AJ continues.

"We'll tear a shirt up and tie them up if we have to," Clem answers.

You hear Louis clear his throat from behind you.

"It's not so bad," he says with a hopeful smile.

You and Clementine stop walking and turn to face him.

"You're probably pretty good at being out there by now. Almost like home for you guys," he explains.

You and Clementine glare back at him, and he steps back a bit.

"You have no idea what it's like out there," you say frustratedly. Louis looks back to you and Clementine, realizing what he said. He quickly looks down with a regretful expression.

You turn back around and continue to walk through the forest. A few more minutes pass before Violet and Louis stop behind you.

"We're here. The roads that way. Anything you wanna say before we go?" Violet says as she looks to Louis.

Louis looks up to you for a moment before shaking his head.

"...I've said plenty," he says as he starts to walk away. You see him look back at you and Clementine one more time before turning away.

"Thanks for trying to keep us," AJ says sadly.

Violet nods her head.

"You're welcome. I wish you could've stayed," she replies in a mournful voice.

"Me too. I wish we didn't mess it all up," Clementine says with a sigh.

"Just... stay safe, alright?" Violet says as she starts to turn away.

A few seconds pass as you all watch her walk away. You were beginning to feel nervous over being back out here again..

"Let's get going. The sun's going to set soon," Clementine says to you and AJ. You all start to walk down the path to the road.

"How do you know?" AJ asks as you walk.

"I don't know, I can just... feel it," Clem answers.

"How?" AJ asks. Clementine looks into the sky as she starts to explain.

"There's this cold that settles on my skin. Happens just before a storm too," she replies.

AJ looks down to his arms.

"Hmm.. I don't feel it," he says disappointingly.

"That's because you haven't been out here as long as us," you reply with a small smile.

You continue to walk for a couple more minutes until AJ starts to slow down.

"Will we be okay? I thought we were done running from the monsters," he says nervously.

Clementine sighs and walks over to him.

"I'm not sure, AJ. But we'll do everything we can to keep each other safe," she replies with a confident look. You smile and pat AJ's shoulder.

"Yeah, we'll be fine as long-"

A gunshot echoes throughout the forest and you see a tree explode next to you, sending bark flying everywhere.

"Shit! Get down!" You whisper frantically.

Clementine takes AJ and jumps behind a tree and you rush to another one behind them.

A few seconds pass of silence. You couldn't hear or see anything moving around you.

You take a deep breath and peek around the tree you were behind, and you see something up ahead.

"Oh fuck..." you whisper quietly.

The man from the train station was walking your way. He was carrying a sawed off shotgun, and was missing an arm now...

"I thought he died!" AJ whispers.

"Come on out! I know I saw a couple of you from the road! How long you think you can hide out here?" The man shouts. You see Clementine pull her knife out, and you do the same.

The man continues to walk closer to you, and you carefully make your way around the side of your tree, wanting to sneak up on him.

As you make your way around the tree, you hear Clementine jump out at him. The two start to fight and you hear Clementine cry out in pain as you see her get slammed onto the ground.

You go to rush at the man, as you see AJ step forward with his gun raised.

"Leave. Now!" He shouts angrily. You freeze as Abel points the gun down towards Clementines head.

You quickly duck behind the tree, not wanting to cause Abel to shoot.

"Well hey squirt. Looks like we've crossed paths again," the man says with a chuckle. You peek around the tree to see him press his foot down on Clementines back and smirk at AJ.

"I'd suggest you drop your gun right now. Or you'll see the girls head turn into a pile of mush," he says coldly.

You lean back against the tree. You didn't know how to play this...

Time for a choice...

Choice A "Rush at Abel"

Choice B "Wait for an opening"

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