Chapter 4A

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Choice A "Kill the walkers"

"We should kill them. They're not people," AJ says as he walks up to the dead couple.

Clem walks over to him and kneels down to his level. She puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Well, they used to be people... and as people they asked to be left alone," she explains. AJ nods his head and looks down, thinking what she said over.

"What's best then?" He asks after a moment.

"Look, I hate to say it... but killing them for the key is the safest way," you say as you step forward.

"Going through that small gap is too risky. If something went wrong there would be no way out," you continue.

Clementine nods her head but looks slightly disappointed.

You walk in front of the two walkers and pull your knife out.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," you quietly say before quickly killing the two.

You take the key and walk over to the door. You unlock it and slowly make your way into the room, being careful to make sure it was safe.

"They really had something nice here," Clementine says as she follows behind you.

You see a desk with a few cans on it, and a mattress laying on the floor.

"Can we stay here?" AJ asks.

"We'll see," Clem replies. AJ looks back to her with a sad look in his eyes.

"No one's here. No one's ever anywhere. It's always just monsters," he says quietly.

"We're here, kiddo," Clementine replies sympathetically.

"I know..." AJ replies with a sad look still present on his face. After a moment he lights up and rushes over to the window.

You see him grab a few bullets and try to fit them into his revolver. After a second he gets them all in. He looks back to you both with a smile.

You turn to go check a few more cans that were stashed away and find a few promising ones, but you turn them over to see some cuts and dents in them.

"These are spoiled too," you say with a sigh.

"Fuck," AJ says frustratedly. Clem turns to him.

"Hey, watch the swears," Clem says.

"But you just called me a shitbird earlier!" AJ complains.

"Do as I say, not as I do," Clementine replies. AJ slowly nods his head in defeat.

You look through the rest of the cans only to find more spoiled and empty containers. You toss one onto the ground in frustration and it rolls into the mattress.

"Look!" AJ says as you points to the can. You look back to AJ, slight confused at what he was pointing at.

You take a step closer to him and see something from underneath the mattress.

"Huh, something's under there," Clementine says quietly.

You walk over to it and push the mattress over a bit. It looked like there was a door...

"Y/N, help me move the mattress," Clementine says as she starts to push it off of whatever was beneath it.

You help her push the mattress away, revealing a hatch door.

"Floor door?" AJ asks curiously.

"Yeah, they must've wanted to hide something," Clem answers.

You kneel down and start to open the hatch. As you open it, you hear a faint click coming from inside.

From the dim light, you see a bunch of food stashed away.

"Holy shit," you say in amazement.

"That's a lot of stuff," AJ says. Clem smiles and looks to him.

"Yeah, we could eat for weeks with this mu-" Clem starts to reply, but is interrupted by something small and round rolling into the light. A grenade.

Your eyes go wide as you quickly slam the hatch shut.

"Move!" You shout as the three of you start to run towards the door.

You realize that you weren't going to make it a safe distance away before it goes off...

You all reach the door and you wrap your arms around the two of them and shove them away, just as a deafening bang goes off.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now