Chapter 41A "Out of Time"

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If you lost a finger in chapter 40A (last chapter) this is how your episode ends.

Didn't really make many changes from either version of the chap but had to do it for continuity reasons D:


You and Clementine quickly climb up the ladder leading to the deck as you both dive into cover behind some supply crates, desperately hoping to find AJ before it was too late.

The two of you start to carefully look out from behind the safety of your hiding spot, looking for any signs of AJ or Lilly and anything else you could use to your advantage to get off of the ship.

From the current view you had of the deck, it looked like it was split off into two sides by an old boarded up skylight. You could also see a few stacks of boxes and supplies scattered around both sides as well, which would make navigating the deck unseen way easier.

"Okay.. let's stay low and stay close to each other. Hopefully we can find AJ and get him back before the bomb goes off.." you whisper to Clementine as you both look to the middle of the ship, seeing a large cloud of smoke rising out of the boats smokestack.

"Let's make this fast.." Clementine nervously replies as you nod your head before moving forward, leaving the cover of the supply crates as you start to continue down the deck.

The two of you start to slowly make your way forward alongside the boarded up skylight, continuing to carefully look around for any signs of AJ or Lilly until you spot movement coming from up ahead.

You both immediately dive back into cover behind one of the stacks of boxes before peeking over them, seeing Lilly walking out from behind the small watchtower-like building that was at the front of the ship, along with AJ and the blonde female raider you had seen on the dock earlier.

You both watch as Lilly gestures for the other woman to leave her, as you and Clem quickly duck back down, seeing the raider starting to make her way towards the two of you.

"Stay down.. If we get caught here we're screwed.." Clementine quickly whispers to you as you silently nod your head before moving to huddle up in the corner of the pile of crates, desperately hoping she wouldn't see either of you.

You start to hear Lilly talk to AJ from up ahead as the raiders footsteps continue to grow closer and closer until she comes into sight, before walking past the two of you, seemingly unaware of your presence.

You and Clementine both quietly let out sighs of relief as you watch the woman continue down your end of the ship, before turning down to the other side of the skylight to continue her patrol.

"Okay, let's keep moving.." you whisper as you both begin to sneak forward again, knowing you now needed to be aware of where Lilly and the other raider were at all times now.

"...And as for you, AJ.. we'll help you focus that energy. All of your anger, fear, love for your friends.. we'll help you sharpen it. We'll help you use it to keep Clem, Y/N, and the rest of your friends safe," you faintly hear Lilly start to explain to AJ, as you continue forward, now being close enough to understand what she was saying.

"..AJ, I've known Clementine since the beginning of all of this. Before you were even born. So trust me when I say I'll be able to break through to her. It might take some time.. but she'll come around, along with the rest of your friends.. and once you see what we have to offer, you'll come around too. We have plenty of food for you and Clementine, enough beds for all of you, and you can even share a room with Clem and Y/N," you hear Lilly continue as you and Clem reach the middle of the boat, seeing a split in the small ledge in the middle of the boat, separating the sides.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now