Chapter 9: Comfort

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You open the door to your new room and see Clementine sitting on the bed she woke up in earlier today. You could see a sad look on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" You ask with a worried look.

Clem looks over to you and nods her head.

"Yeah, just needed a minute," she replies with a saddened look still on her face.

"I know how it feels. I've lost a lot of loved ones out there too," you say as you walk over to her bed.

"Louis and the rest of them don't understand what the world's like out there, at least not as much as we do. Being on the road for so long... you're bound to see terrible stuff and lose people. So.. I know what you're feeling, and if you need anyone to talk to.. I'm here," you say with a hopeful smile. Clem smiles and looks back to you.

"Thanks. It's nice knowing I'm not alone," she replies.

Clem scoots over, making room for you to sit next to her.

You sit down by her side and look to her.

"I can't remember the last time I've had my own bed to sleep in, let alone a room," Clementine says with a giggle.

"Me neither. It's been a while since I've felt this way. Like we're actually safe for once," you reply with a smile.

"Yeah.. something about this place feels different than any other group I've been with. Like it could actually be a home for us," she replies.

You nod your head in response as the two of you lock eyes. You feel yourself start to become slightly entranced by her hazel eyes, before she smiles and looks away.

You open your mouth to say something but you're interrupted by the door being shoved open.

The two of you look towards the door to see AJ burst in with a giant grin on his face.

"I'm an artist now!" He shouts as he rushes over to the desk next to Clems bed. He sits down on the chair next to it and starts to shuffle through the box of art supplies you found earlier.

"Uh, do you even know what an artist is?" Clementine asks with an amused look.

"No. But that's what Tenn said he was," AJ replies as he starts to color.

"It's like a person who colors alot. Draws things. Makes pictures," Clem explains.

"So like Tenn?" AJ asks.

"Yep, like Tenn," Clementine answers.

"Huh. I like to do pictures too," AJ says as he starts to draw.

Clem smiles and watches him draw on his paper as the door opens again. You see Violet walk in, but stop after she notices the three of you.

"Oh.. shit. I didn't know Marlon decided to set you guys up in this room," she says as she walks further into the room.

"I just need to grab something from the closet," Violet says. She turns to the closet and starts to look around.

She sighs frustratedly after a second and looks down.

"Where the hell is- oh," Violet says as she looks to AJ.

"What?" You ask.

"That's what I was looking for. It belonged to Sophie," Violet replies as she points to the art box.

"Oh..." you hear Clem say with a sad look. You remember the graves outside.

"Tenn was asking for more art supplies and stuff so I was gonna..." Violet says, gesturing to the box.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now