Episode 1 Summary

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Episode 1 summary

This is basically just a small little summary of the choices and how Clem feels towards you. These will be done for all 5 episodes :)


-Train station walkers

Choice A "Kill the walkers"

Choice B "Leave them alone"

Choice B was picked more.

-Hunting or Fishing

Choice A "Hunt with Louis"

Choice B "Fish with Violet"

Choice A was picked more.

Clementines feelings for you:

If you chose to side with AJ and kill the walkers, Clementine was left feeling friendly.

If you chose to side with Clem and leave the walkers alone, she was left feeling thankful

In the future I plan on including more choices that'll effect how Clem feels towards you. Your choices may or may not leave a harsh effect on your relationship ;)

Anyways, with all this done.. onto episode 2 :)

(I've been writing chapters at an alarming rate recently... so I'll be taking a few days off. Will likely be back to publishing this weekend)

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now