Chapter 29A

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If you chose to let AJ have dibs on Abel, this is your story.


You look over to Clementine to see her glancing down at AJ.

"Well, you wanted dibs right? He's all yours," she explains. You continue to look to the two, worried about if this was the right call or not...

AJ looks up to you and Clementine, and he nods his head after a moment. He takes his gun out as Abel sits up with a fearful look.

"No! Not that. I wanna- let me keep my face," he explains.

AJ puts his gun away as he looks to Clementines knife. He takes a few steps back as a worried look crosses his face.

"I.. I don't think I can..." he says quietly.

Clementine nods her head understandingly as she looks back to Abel.

"I can do it if you don't want to," you explain as you take a step forward.

Clem looks over to you and she shakes her head.

"It's okay. I'll do it," She replies. You nod your head as she walks over to Abel.

Clementine raises her knife to his head, but she pauses mid air. She glances back to AJ with a saddened look.

"You don't have to watch this," she explains softly.

AJ turns to face Abel for a moment before he looks back down.

"Okay..." he says quietly. He turns away and starts to walk down the hallway as Clementine takes a deep breath. She looks back to Abel and hesitates for a moment before she jabs her knife into the side of his head.

Abel groans in pain as she pushes the blade deeper into his skull. You watch as the life quickly begins to drain from his eyes as he stares back at Clementine.

After a moment Clem pulls her knife free and she walks away from his body with a guilt ridden look.

You take her hand and look to her sympathetically.

"You okay?" You ask.

She looks up to you and nods her head as she puts her knife away.

"Yeah.. I'm okay. It's just been awhile since I've had to do that," she explains. You nod your head and look back over to Abels corpse.

You knew he wasn't the nicest person, but you still felt somewhat bad for how he went out...

You hear Clementine take a deep breath as she turns to face the hallway.

"Well, let's get going. We have a boat to find," she explains with a determined look. You nod your head as the two of you turn back down the hallway, leaving Abels body sitting in the corner.

So I've been replaying the game to prepare for writing the chapters, and not gonna lie Abels death scene kinda made me sad :(

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now