Chapter 23B "Truth or Dare"

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If you chose to go fishing with Violet, this is your story

(Go to 23A if you chose Louis)

You were currently working on the walker head scarecrows by the front gate. You still had a few heads left, so you decided to put them to use.

It had been a day since you and Clem had gone out to clear the back of the dorms. After you had returned to the schoolyard, you realized how you truly felt for Clementine. You knew your feelings extended beyond friends.

You spent the rest of that day and most of the night thinking about her. You wanted to tell her how you felt, but you were still worried about what would happen if she didn't feel the same way. You've spent most of your day working up the courage to say something.

You suddenly hear shouting from the admin building, causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

You look over to see Willy and Aasim arguing by the front door. A few other kids were starting to make their way over to them.

You stand up and start to walk over. Their arguing was only getting louder.

As you approach the group of kids you see Clementine walking over from the dorms.

"You're boring and your idea's stupid!" You hear Willy yell as you reach the kids.

"Oh? I'm being stupid? You're the one who can't think straight!" Aasim replies angrily.

"Hey, what's going on?" You ask as you raise your voice above everyone else's.

"Marlon wanted us to work together on the traps, but Aasim won't listen to anything I say!" Willy answers.

"Come on. You don't need to fight over this," Violet says from your side.

"Stay out of this!" Aasim replies frustratedly. He turns to face everyone else.

"My idea was that we fill up duffel bags with bricks and drop them on the raiders if they get into the admin building. Willy here wants to make an idiotic swinging log trap that'll take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid!" He explains.

"You're stupid!" Willy shouts. Aasim glares back at him.

"And you're being childish!" He replies. You step forward and raise your hands.

"Guys, calm down. Let's talk this out," You say. You see them seemingly calm down a bit as Clementine walks up to your side.

"Well, Aasim is right. His duffel bag trap sounds more practical, and it'd be easier to set up," she explains.

"Mine's practical too!" Willy whines.

"No it's not! It's the exact thing a child would come up with. Especially a child who has no idea what he's up against," Aasim says frustratedly.

You see Willy clench his fist as he steps towards Aasim. Before you can react he sends a punch directly into Aasims stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

"What the shit!?" Violet says worriedly.

Willy looks around at everyone before running off.

"Dude, you okay?" Louis asks from behind you. You turn to see him and Marlon walking towards the crowd.

Aasim nods his head as he starts to walk off.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Shit.." he answers. He starts to walk over to the couches set up around a firepit.

"Fuck, we're all gonna kill each other before the raiders even get a chance," Violet says with an annoyed sigh.

"Right, I have an idea. We need something to break the tension," Louis says with a smile. He pulls out his playing cards as he gestures to follow him. You look to Clementine, and she shrugs as Louis starts to walk over to Aasim.

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now