Chapter 39A: "The Ship"

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If you chose to go hunting with Louis, this is how your story continues.

(If you went fishing with Violet go to chapter 39B)

The sound of the ships metal door slamming back against the wall echos throughout the inside of the boat, as you and the other kids all dive into cover behind a few hay bales and other supply crates. You weren't sure if the loud commotion the door made had alerted any raiders and none of you wanted to take any chances.

"Okay.. so we're on the boat now. What next? How do we know where we're supposed to find our friends and the boiler?" Louis whispers with a somewhat concerned expression as you look to him.

"Well, back when Willy brought up the idea of using a bomb he said the boiler would be on the lowest level of the ship. I guess that's a start for us," you reply as you glance over to Clementine and then back out to the dimly lit room you were in, trying to remember anything else Willy said that could be useful right now.

As you think back in your mind you continue to look out to the dimly lit room you were in.

From the looks of the room it appeared that you were hiding out in a storage room.  There were a bunch of metal and wooden crates scattered all around the room along bales of hay stacked up against the rusted metal walls of the ship. For a community that had resorted to kidnapping teenagers and kids for manpower.. they actually seemed to be doing pretty good in terms of supplies.

As you continue to look around the dark room, you notice a ladder in corner after a moment.

"Hey, there's a ladder over there in the corner," you say to the others as you point out from behind your cover.

"That'll lead somewhere up to the second floor of the boat. You think their keeping our friends somewhere up there?" Violet asks after a second.

"Probably. I'd assume most of the rooms down here are for storage and all the boats machinery," you reply as Clementine nods her head.

"The second floor should be their living area then. They've probably got a room where are friends are locked up in," she explains as you look back to her and the others.

"So it's settled then? Me and Louis will go through all the rooms down here until we find the boiler, and you three go up the ladder to see if our friends are being kept somewhere up there," you reply as Clem nods her head.

"Yeah. That's probably our best shot," she replies as you and the others all nod in agreement. The group of you all then start to leave your hiding spot as you make your way over to the ladder.

"It sounds like there's way more raiders up there than down here. Be careful," you say to the three as AJ and Violet start to climb up the ladder.

"We will. You guys look out for each other too," Clementine replies as she looks back to you with a small hopeful smile.

"Once we've got the bomb set up we'll be on our way after you guys," you reply with a nod as Clem turns away from you before climbing up the ladder herself, leaving you alone with Louis.

"Okay.. you ready to do this?" You ask as you look back to him. Louis nods his head with a nervous but still upbeat smile as he holds up Willys bomb.

"Yeah.. we got this," he replies as you both start to make your way back to the center of the room.

The two of you stop in the middle of the dark room as you look to each ends of the room, seeing that both sides had doors that led out to different parts of the boat.

"Any idea on which way the boiler is?" Louis asks as you try to think through where the boiler would make sense to be.

"No.. not really... but if I had to guess I'd say checking the middle rooms first is our best option. It would make sense for it to be somewhere close to those huge smokestacks we saw on top of the deck," you reply with a hesitant shrug before you look to the door to your left.

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