Chapter 16B

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Choice B "Defend against Mitch"

"Back off, Mitch," you say as you step in front of Clementine and AJ.

Mitch glares back at you.

"Or what? Gonna have AJ shoot me too?" He says angrily.

"Hey, I tried to stop him. If it wasn't for me Marlon might not even be alive right now!" You reply. Mitch growls shakes his head.

"That doesn't make anything better!" he says with an angry look in his eyes.

"We saved your lives. We gave you food, shelter, our medicine... and for what? You just come in here and decide to try and kill whoever pisses you off?" He continues. Violet raises her cleaver.

"Mitch, just let them pass. We'll deal with this later," Violet says sternly.

Mitch glares back to you and Clem and shakes his head.

"Screw you guys," he says as he walks off.

"Go. I'll make sure no one follows you," Violet says. You nod your head and the three of you start to make your way to the dorm.

You enter the building and start walking down the hallway towards your room in silence. You weren't really sure what to say to them after all of that.

You reach your room and you open the door. You head over to your bed and collapse onto it. You feel a stinging pain in your arm as you lay down.

"Damnit," you say frustratedly, as you sit back up.

You look over to your patched up arm to see blood leaking through your bandage. Looks like your fight with Marlon opened your wound again.

You start to roll your sleeve up and unwrap the bandage.

"You okay?" You hear Clementine ask from her bed.

You look over to her and nod your head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just bleeding a bit after that fight out there," you reply. You take the bandage off and grab a new one from the first aid kit on the drawer.

You start to attempt to wrap it around your arm, but realize this would be difficult with just one hand...

You see Clementine stand up and start to walk over to you.

"Hey, let me help you with that," she says. You scoot over and make room for her next to you.

Clem sits down next to you and picks up the bandage. She starts to wrap it around your arm, and you look over to her.

"How's your arm?" She asks. You shrug and look towards the bandage she was wrapping around your arm.

"Still hurts. Fighting Marlon out there messed it up pretty badly..." you answer. Clem nods her head and you see her expression change to a worried look.

"...How are you feeling about everything that happened?" You ask slowly.

"I'm...okay...Getting locked down in the basement with Brody was scary.. but I think I'm alright now," she replies. You glance over at AJ who was sitting on the bed. You sigh and look away, figuring it would be best to avoid talking about what he did for now.

Clementine finishes wrapping your arm up and she looks back to you.

"Okay, you should be good now," she says with a weak smile. You nod your head as she stands up.

"Thanks," you reply.

Clementine walks back over to her bed and you lay back down, trying to get comfortable.

After a few minutes, you feel yourself start to drift off. You were dreading tomorrow and what the rest of the kids thought about you...

Alive Inside- A Clementine x Male Reader The Walking Dead Story (Choice Based)Where stories live. Discover now