Chapter 8: Cards

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You re enter the school to see AJ sitting on a bench, waiting for you. He looks over to you and Clem, happy to see you return.

Clementine walks over to AJ and you look around for a moment. You see the rest of the kids start to disperse and head their own ways. Now seems like a good time to get to know some of them.

You look over to the schools admin building. You see Marlon sitting with the girl from the hunting group. Aasim was to their right, sitting in a chair with a desk in front of him. You start to make your way over to him.

As you walk up to Aasim, you see that he was writing in a book. You stop in front of him and he continues to write, not noticing you.

"Hey," you say in a friendly tone after a moment. He snaps out of his concentration and looks up to you after closing his book.

"Oh, hey. Y/N, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Aasim, right?" You reply. He nods his head and looks out towards the fence.

"Thanks again for pulling that walker off of me out there... It's been a while since I've been in a situation like that," he says with a small chuckle.

"Yeah well, it was the least I could do, considering you guys saved us from our crash earlier," you reply. You look down to the book he was writing in.

"You seemed pretty concentrated on that book when I walked up to you. What are you writing?" You ask. Aasim looks down and slowly flips through the books pages.

"Nothing much really. I was just writing down what happened today. I chronicle everything," Aasim answers as he leans back in his chair. You nod your head.

"So... like a diary," you say. Aasim shakes his head in response.

"Nah, I like to think of it more like a history book. Those who don't learn from the past and all that," he replies. You nod your head and look over to Marlon. You remember the heated conversation Aasim and him had back outside.

" and Marlon sounded pretty mad at each other outside," you say in a concerned voice. Aasim sighs and looks over to Marlon with a glare.

"He keeps pulling back our safezone. We have fewer and fewer places left to hunt, and there isn't that much left in whatever zone he calls safe anymore," he says frustratedly.

"I'm just trying to keep everyone here fed and alive, you know? But it's like he wants us to starve. He just doesn't get how bad it is out there," Aasim continues as he shakes his head. He looks back to you, realizing he was getting a bit loud. He sighs and opens his book again.

"Sorry, but I need to get this finished before dinner. Not to be rude or anything, but.... bye," he says as he starts to write. You nod your head and walk away.

You start to walk to your left to check out the other side of the school.

You walk past Marlon and the other girl, and see Violet and Tennessee up ahead, past a burned down building.
If Louis thinks Violet will warm up to you... now seems like a good time to try and talk to her.

As you walk over to the two of them, you notice the graves next to the wall. You realize what they were doing.

"Uh, hey guys," you say, hoping you don't ruin a moment or anything. Tenn looks back to you before turning back to the graves.

"Hey, Y/N," Violet replies in a sad tone. You walk over to her as Tenn steps closer to one of the graves and places some flowers on top of it.

"We're just visiting Tenns sisters. Lost them both about a year ago," Violet explains. You look back to her with a pitiful expression.

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