Chapter 46: Falling to Pieces

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A/N: Can I just say that these chapters are getting harder to write bc the OTP book and movie are sooo different so idk what to follow at this point asghsfds 🤧

The air was tense as Harry was taken away by Umbridge to the headmaster's office. Filch and the Inquisitorial Squad rounded up the rest of the D.A. and forced them to return to their dormitories — in the meantime, they were let off without a scratch, but they all knew that they would find out what their punishment would be soon enough.

Analeigh, Hermione, and Ron waited anxiously in the common room for Harry's return. Their thoughts were all over the place, wondering how they got themselves into this mess and what was going to happen from then on.

"I can't believe Marietta and Cho snitched on us," Analeigh said, plopping down on the couch with a sigh. Her cat, Velvet, came strutting in and jumped onto the seat to curl up next to her. Analeigh stroked Velvet, trying to calm herself down from the events of that evening.

"At least our jinx worked," Hermione commented, sort of proud because it was mostly her doing. "They got what they deserved."

"I wonder why it didn't work on Cho, though?"

"That is a good point," said Hermione, folding her arms. "Do you think she was forced to speak against her will? Maybe that's why..."

"What, like they used Veritaserum on her or something? Is that even allowed?"

"If Umbridge was behind it, then probably," Hermione answered. "That toad has been questioning people a lot recently — perhaps she called in Cho at the last minute today."

"That could be true, but either way, they ratted us out," scoffed Ron. "One thing is for sure: Marietta did tell Umbridge about the D.A. on her own. Her face is enough proof of that."

They lapsed into brief silence, the only sound coming from the crackling fire. Analeigh was still distractedly petting Velvet next to her, Hermione was pacing before them, and Ron was bouncing his legs as if to try and get rid of his nerves.

"What do you think they're doing to Harry right now?" Analeigh asked.

"I have no idea, but I hope Dumbledore finds a way out of it," replied Hermione, still pacing around nervously.

"He always does, doesn't he?" said Ron as if to reassure himself. "He'll find a way."

Despite that, Analeigh still found herself worrying. Were they going to expel Harry? Was Umbridge going to torture him in an even crueler way than before? What was she planning on doing to the other D.A. members?

After what felt like an eternity later and by the time the other Gryffindors retreated into their rooms, Harry came climbing in through the portrait hole. The three friends immediately got to their feet and stared at Harry expectantly.

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione said worriedly.

"What happened?" said Ron.

"Did Dumbledore let you off the hook?" Analeigh said, hoping that somehow, the man was able to save Harry from that situation.

"Yes and no to all of those, I suppose," Harry said glumly. "Dumbledore's gone."

"What?" they exclaimed.

"He left. Fudge, Dawlish, Kingsley, and er, Percy were in his office with him when I got there. They found our list in the Room of Requirement and, well, we're called Dumbledore's Army, so they wanted to take him to Azkaban."

They were all troubled by the news, but Ron looked extra bothered at the mention of his older brother. It was bad enough that the Ministry got involved in this, but it felt worse to him knowing that Percy was still on that side.

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