Chapter 33: History

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Analeigh did not know what to expect from staying at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Did she expect to be more updated on what was going on behind the scenes? Yes. Did she think she would at least get some information on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's whereabouts? Maybe. But did she imagine she would spend her summer cleaning a dusty, old house? Certainly not, but that's exactly what she found herself doing, along with Hermione and the Weasley siblings.

She had thought that after finding out that Snape was in the Order, they would be in for more surprises along the way, including some juicy information about what they do in their missions and the like. However, that proved to be useless, because the adults always held their meetings secretly and with the necessary protective charms and enchantments, leaving the teenagers with nothing interesting.

"I can't believe we're being forced to clean this place," Ron said irritatedly.

"We should at least be thankful that Sirius is offering his parents' home to all of us," Hermione tried, but even she looked grossed out as she wiped some grime off of a side table.

A crack sounded from behind Analeigh and she jumped, nearly knocking over what looked like a very expensive brass statue.

"Oops, sorry, Leigh," the Weasley twins chortled, having Apparated directly behind her. It had already been a week since she had moved into number twelve, Grimmauld Place, and she still wasn't used to the two of them appearing and disappearing out of nowhere whenever they got the chance.

"Too bad you guys can't use magic to clean, huh?" Fred teased.

"You're not allowed to, either," Ginny said to her older brothers. "Mum is so gonna throw a fit when she finds out how much you two have been using magic recently."

"What's the big deal? We get things done quicker," George shrugged.

"Yeah, we're even helping you," said Fred, waving his wand for emphasis. The dirty table Hermione was wiping shook a bit from the spell until it was squeaky clean.

"Just because you're both seventeen now doesn't mean you need to use magic for everything," Ron grumbled.

"Come on, Ickle Ronnie-kins, we know you'll do the same when you're —"

The sound of footsteps going up the staircase caused Fred and George to shut up. In an instant, they had grabbed the spare rags from whoever was nearest to them and positioned themselves as if they had been cleaning this whole time. Mrs. Weasley appeared by the stairs a second later, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Have you lot been doing your chores?" she asked them.

"Yes, mum," George said innocently, only making Mrs. Weasley narrow her eyes further.

"Alright, then. Girls, do you mind helping me clean downstairs? It's taking a bit longer than I thought, and I'll have to cook dinner soon."

"Sure, Mrs. Weasley," Analeigh and Hermione replied. The two of them, along with Ginny, followed the older woman down the stairs. Analeigh looked back in time to see Ron send the three girls a pleading look, not wanting to be left alone with his brothers.

Downstairs, Analeigh, Hermione, and Ginny were all assigned to different hallways to clean. Analeigh would be lying if she said she wasn't slightly creeped out — it was cold and dark, and she was almost expecting something to pop out and scare her. She pushed those thoughts away as she dusted off the portraits down the corridor. Some of them were enchanted and were clearly annoyed by her presence, but she chose to ignore them so that she could finish quicker.

She didn't know how long she was cleaning — maybe twenty minutes had passed when she had finished that hallway, coming to a stop by a door that was left slightly ajar at the end of it.

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