Chapter 6: October

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September went by very quickly. Hermione had celebrated her birthday on the 19th with a nice cake that Analeigh requested from the house-elves down in the kitchens, which she also enchanted to make the words written on it flash in different colors; she later on left Hermione to be with Harry and Ron on her special day, knowing they'd probably want to spend time with each other.

Her own birthday, a few weeks after Hermione's, was just as fun. Hermione returned the favor with a cake as well and charmed it to make the doodles on it move, much to Analeigh's delight. Harry and Ron even gave her a small gift, which was a simple scarlet shirt that bore the words Analeigh Heart and an amazing drawing of a Gryffindor lion as if it were a jersey; she later on found out that the boys had asked Dean Thomas to write those words and draw the golden lion because of his natural talent and that they just paid for the shirt itself. Still, Analeigh appreciated their effort.

On the other hand, she found herself seeing less of Cedric Diggory. He didn't do it on purpose, though. Although school had just begun, Cedric, like all the other responsible students at Hogwarts, spent much time focusing on his academics as well as fulfilling his prefect duties. Also, there just weren't many times where he could just slide into a conversation with Analeigh Heart. They were two years apart so they had different classes, weren't from the same house, and obviously had different sets of friends, so of course it wouldn't be easy to randomly go start talking to her. However, a certain Ravenclaw in her fifth year named Cho Chang seemed to have taken a liking to Cedric. Being the approachable and charming person he naturally was, he had become friends with her. She was a very sweet girl, but Cedric couldn't tell if he was starting to have romantic feelings for her or if he was just trying to reciprocate her actions.

Now that it was October, it was almost time for the students from Beauxbatons Acadmey and Durmstrang Institute to come to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. And when Harry, Ron, and Hermione passed by the Great Hall, they saw a number of students gathered around what looked to be a notice.

"There's a sign," said Ron. Being the tallest, he merely had to tiptoe a bit to be able to see above the crowd.

"A sign?" repeated Analeigh.

"Can you read it?" Harry then asked Ron.

"It says that Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are arriving today at six!" the redhead exclaimed.

"So what time even is it?"

"About twenty minutes 'til six," answered Analeigh. "We should get inside."

The other three Gryffindors nodded at Analeigh's words. The four of them pushed past the crowd and made their way into the Great Hall, taking their places at their usual seats at the Gryffindor Table.

"So, Leigh," Hermione started once they were seated. "You're really going to go for it? For the Triwizard Tournament?"

All friends turned to the blonde expectantly. "Yes," Analeigh answered confidently. "I mean, there is a small chance I'd get picked. But I'm also trying to have faith in myself about it and there's no harm in trying, right?"

"That's right," Ron agreed with his friend, but in all honestly, he was still quite bitter that he couldn't even enter.

Hermione bit her lip at Analeigh's words and refrained herself from giving her a talk about the dangers of the tournament. It wasn't that she didn't believe in her; she may have only known Analeigh for about a year now, but she knew that she was a very bright and skilled witch. But Analeigh, like Hermione, was still only fifteen years old and in her fourth year, so even if she did get picked, the inexperience could cost her her life. Hermione trusted Dumbledore's words, but she couldn't help but be worried for her friend.

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