Chapter 14: Relationships and Rumors

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After the First Task, Analeigh and Cedric were moved to the Hospital Wing. The other champions got away with only cuts and gashes and were healed instantly. Even Cedric was allowed to to leave after one last check-up where Madame Pomfrey simply reapplied the paste on the burn on his face before shooing him away. Analeigh had asked if she could leave as well and was scolded by Madame Pomfrey — so, she was forced to stay in the Hospital Wing overnight. She felt like a kid throwing a tantrum as she sat in her bed, frowning with her arms folded over her chest, but she did not want to be stuck in there any longer. Besides, she could just rest in her dorm in the Gryffindor Tower and let her burn heal by tomorrow, but Madame Pomfrey was completely against the idea. Luckily, her friends were nice enough to drop by right after the task to congratulate her and Harry, who had also come to visit her.

"Blimey, you guys were awesome!" said Neville, looking at Analeigh and Harry.

"Thanks," Analeigh smiled. "But it was Harry who was amazing. He was alone and got first place!"

Harry looked away, mumbling something incoherent. It was obvious he was embarrassed, not wanting to receive so much praise as he as probably tired of being under the spotlight all the time.

"Oh, Harry, don't be so modest. You were great," Hermione backed her up.

"Yeah, mate," said Ron. "It looked like you flew even better than Krum back there."

"And that's saying something since you're so madly in love with the guy," Seamus joked. Dean snickered and gave his best friend a low high five. Ron turned red and muttered an irritated, "Shut up, Seamus."

"By the way, I heard your brothers want to throw a party in the common room tonight," Dean said to Ron.

"They are?"

"Yeah, in celebration of two Gryffindor champions snatching first and second place in the First Task."

"Where will they get the food, anyway?"

"From the house elves, of course," Hermione interrupted. Oh, here we go, Analeigh thought. S.P.E.W. time. "In the kitchens — which is incredibly unfair because they're already doing so much work for us that we don't see and give them credit for."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Hermione, we've talked about this. House elves like doing work. It's what they're good at."

"It's what they've been told to do. They deserve equal rights, too."

Analeigh saw all the boys exchange looks while Hermione had turned away to face her. She felt bad that nobody really stood by Hermione when it came to S.P.E.W., but Analeigh had to admit that although she respected the idea, she was still on the boys' side on this topic. From what she knew, house elves enjoyed doing work.

"Well, we've got loads of homework to do," Dean said after a few minutes into their visit.

"There's that Potions essay Snape gave us..." Neville added worriedly.

Seamus stood up. "We'll see you soon, eh? Tonight, if there is a party."

"Do your homework first before thinking about the party, Seamus," Analeigh told the boy, causing him to chuckle.

"What can I say? The Irish love their drinks."

The three boys ended their quick visit with a friendly wave and short goodbye's, then they left the Hospital Wing to head back to the Gryffindor Tower.

"So, Leigh," Ron said once the other boys had gone. "You're gonna help me write my Potions essay, right?" Analeigh replied with a smack on his arm. "Oi! What was that for?"

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