Chapter 10: Potions to Pictures

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Analeigh left the Transfiguration Courtyard to head to her next class. She met up with Harry on the way, which was timely considering they had the upcoming class together. Unfortunately, a few minutes into their walk, Ron and Hermione came up from behind them, and they too would be having Potions with them.

"Walk faster, Leigh," Harry urged as they went down into the dungeons.

Analeigh, who didn't notice their other two friends a few feet away just yet, looked at him in confusion. "Why?"

"Don't look back, but there's —" But of course, before Harry could finish his sentence, Analeigh looked over her shoulder indeed to see who was behind them. Harry groaned and tugged her forwards, forcing her to face him again. "I told you not to look back!"

She merely gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry. But hey, at least I know why you said that, right?"

Harry gave her an unamused look as they trudged down another set of stairs. "Not funny."

When the two of them arrived in the dungeons, they were met with an odd sight. Right in the hall where the Potions classroom was located was Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and the rest of the Slytherins that they shared the class with — this wasn't an unusual thing at all. What struck them was the bright badges they all had pinned on their robes. At first glance, Analeigh and Harry even thought that they were the ones Hermione creates for S.P.E.W., but of course, they knew they wouldn't ever wear those nor would Hermione even think about approaching them about the topic of elfish welfare. So as Analeigh, Harry, and even Hermione and Ron who were close behind neared the other fourth year students, they realized that the badges they wore bore the same message: Support CEDRIC DIGGORY— Hogwarts Champion!

"Like them, Potter?" Malfoy said loudly as the four walked closer. "And this isn't all they do— look!" He pressed on his badge and the message and design contorted and after a moment, the words changed to POTTER STINKS.

"Oh, very funny," Hermione suddenly stepped in, going to stand in between Analeigh and Harry. "Really witty. And for your information, Analeigh is a Hogwarts champion, too."

Analeigh sent a grateful smile her way but it soon dropped and her expression changed into one of annoyance when Malfoy laughed, saying, "I don't think so."

Analeigh raised her eyebrows at the platinum blonde-haired boy as if challenging him. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you that daft that you didn't understand anything that happened last night?"

Malfoy merely narrowed his eyes. "A blood traitor like yourself has no right to talk to me like that. Anyway, want a badge as well? I've got loads, and I'm being generous about it — oh, but don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see. Don't want a mudblood and blood-traitor sliming it up."

Harry, who had been quiet the whole time until now, just couldn't take it anymore. This was the last straw. He could handle Draco Malfoy insulting and irritating him, but when he discriminated his friends like that, he had to do something. So, he whipped his wand out from his pocket and stepped in front of the girls, pointing it straight at Malfoy.

While Analeigh's eyes widened slightly at his boldness, Hermione warningly exclaimed, "Harry!"

"Go on, then, Potter," Malfoy quietly said, drawing out his own wand. "Do it, if you've got the guts."

For a second, Analeigh thought that Harry would be smart instead of stupidly brave like he always is and back down even though she badly wanted him to hex Malfoy into oblivion (this just wasn't the right time, considering they were in the middle of the school corridor, right before class, and Snape could come any minute). They just glared intensely at each other, and all of a sudden, they acted at precisely the same time.

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