Chapter 15: Questions

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More than two weeks after the first task, Analeigh felt like she was being boxed in. It was already December, and she had met up with Cedric and Harry separately at least once to work out the clue, but it was extremely difficult seeing as they couldn't just open the golden egg anywhere — the screeching noise it emitted disturbed many students and professors alike. And yes, Analeigh was well-aware that Harry was technically not her partner anymore, but the least she could do was help him work out the clue as well. Besides, all the champion would be getting help from their own friends and mentors, too, so she felt that there wasn't any harm in what she was doing.

Together with that, the Yule Ball was drawing closer by the second, worrying her greatly. Fleur had asked out Roger Davies, a handsome seventh year Ravenclaw. Brigitte was going with a boy in her year from Beauxbatons. From what Analeigh heard from the gossip in the Girls Dorm, Andrei hadn't asked anyone out yet, but seeing as he was a very attractive and masculine guy from Durmstrang, she wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he had many people from all three schools wrapped around his finger. Considering Analeigh knew Viktor's Krum's situation with Hermione, she was sure he would ask her— or, he already did, and Hermione just wasn't telling anyone. Therefore, it was only narrowed down to herself, Harry, and Cedric without any dates so far.

Since it was so close to Christmas, Analeigh decided to send out letters to her parents to update them.

Dear Mum and Dad,

As you know, the First Task is over and I placed second with Cedric. I told you in my past letter that I wasn't able to go with Harry during his turn due to my injuries. Fortunately, he's fine and so am I. Also, I can't go home this Christmas. Dad, you hinted a lot about the tournament and the Yule Ball when you dropped me off at Platform 9 3/4. I still don't forgive you for that. Anyway, I hate to admit it but I have a lot of problems to solve and they're all very shallow, actually. Aside from the fact that my partners and I haven't worked out what the golden egg we retrieved from the dragons means, I haven't found a date to the ball. Hermione told me to just ask anyone because according to her, there were quite the number of boys who fancied me last year. I don't believe it, and besides, it was a year ago, and nobody really showed that they were interested in me anyway.

All that aside, I miss you both very much. I don't know when parents will be allowed to watch the tournament, but I hope it's very soon. If not, then I suppose I'll see you both in the Final Task. Mum, please write to me when if you'll have time to drop by Hogsmeade any time soon to help me find a dress for the ball... even if I won't have a date.

All the love,


After reading over her letter once more, she neatly folded it and placed it in a nice envelope, and then made her way to the Owlery. Her cat, Velvet, chose to follow her. There were times when the feline disappeared, only to reappear steps ahead of her, probably taking shortcuts that Analeigh couldn't reach. Up in the Owlery, it seemed empty, except for a girl with raven black hair.

 Up in the Owlery, it seemed empty, except for a girl with raven black hair

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