Chapter 29: The Truth Untold

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It was the morning after the Third Task. Harry was under a lot of potions and resting in the corner of the hospital wing, separated from the other beds to receive special care from Madam Pomfrey. Aside from his physical injuries from the task and what Wormtail and Voldemort did to him, he was under a lot of psychological stress as well.

 Aside from his physical injuries from the task and what Wormtail and Voldemort did to him, he was under a lot of psychological stress as well

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Analeigh and Cedric were given Sleeping Draughts the night before and weren't updated on what had happened to Harry. And so, the moment Analeigh woke up that morning, she searched for any indication of what could have happened around her, but all she could see were a row of empty beds. She couldn't spot Harry or Cedric anywhere.

"You're awake, Miss Heart. I've arrived just in time."

Dumbledore came strolling in the hospital wing, looking calm and unbothered.

"Professor, Harry —"

"Is fine," he finished, a small smile on his face. "Scratched up and stressed, yes. But he's alive and resting."

His eyes traveled to the corner of the room, and Analeigh followed his gaze to find that there was a small divider where Harry must have been sleeping behind it. She let out a huge sigh of relief.

"What happened to him? What did they do to him? Is he going to be okay?"

"I should have expected you to want to know everything right away," said Dumbledore, summoning a stool and sitting down on it by her bed.

"First of all," the old man began. "You, Harry, and Cedric have all claimed first place in the Triwizard Tournament. The prize money will be split among yourselves."

At the mention of Cedric, she scanned the hospital wing once more in case she had just missed him when she first woke up, but he was still nowhere in sight.

"Mr. Diggory is with his parents right now," Dumbledore answered before she could ask. "They insisted on speaking with him once he was awake for a full explanation after what happened last evening, so Madam Pomfrey allowed him to leave the hospital wing around an hour ago. Now, for Harry..."

Analeigh sat up straighter, eager to listen.

"He arrived in front of the maze shortly after you and Mr. Diggory did. Unfortunately... Voldemort has returned."

Analeigh felt her heart drop to her stomach at those words. Voldemort has returned. She couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to... but after all that happened and the way Dumbledore's voice sounded too grave for it to be a joke, she couldn't find it in her to convince herself otherwise.

"H-How?" she asked.

"That figure you mentioned Wormtail was carrying, Miss Heart... that was him." Analeigh sucked in a breath. "I'm sure Harry will tell you, Mr. Weasley, and Miss Granger everything soon enough. For now, all I can say is that Voldemort used dark, ancient magic to bring his body back."

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