Chapter 31: Reality

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A/N: I just started editing (for the nth time) some of my previous chapters here and damn why do I still have so many mixups with names and typos everywhere even after I edited it the first time 😂 I was cringing when I was fixing them HAHA.

Also, a friendly reminder to check if your acc has been pwned (compromised)!!! Wattpad released a statement that their site was h*cked a month ago (I can't believe they didn't tell us sooner???) and a lot of users' information may have been leaked :(( There's a thread on Twitter on how to check + security measures to keep your email and Wattpad acc safe from now on, so feel free to comment or message me if you need it. Stay safe y'all!

"Kill the spares."

"Avada Kedavra!"

Analeigh knew what would happen. After all, she had experienced it first-hand during the night of the Third Task. Cedric would summon a statue that would block them from the killing curse, and just when Wormtail would try to kill them one more time, they would use her necklace as a Portkey and escape.

But that didn't happen. Instead, the green jet of light hit Cedric squarely on his chest, sending him flying backwards. He landed with a loud thud on the ground, his now lifeless eyes staring at Analeigh.

 He landed with a loud thud on the ground, his now lifeless eyes staring at Analeigh

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Analeigh's heart dropped to her stomach. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was sure she and Cedric made it out alive.

Harry continued to scream in pain, his scar feeling like it was going to burst. So many things were going on at once that Analeigh didn't know what she should do. She so badly wanted to comfort Harry and help him, but she couldn't leave Cedric's dead body just there.

And then there was another flash of green light, but this time, it had engulfed her.

Analeigh's eyes shot open, the blood in her veins pounding loudly in her ears. She sat up on her bed, her eyes adjusting to the light seeping into her bedroom as she tried to regain her breath from that awful dream.

Ever since she returned home, things were different. Analeigh's father had been demoted to a lower position because of what he had done at the Triwizard Tournament, even if Dumbledore claimed that he himself instructed Altair to create that Portkey for the safety of the champions. The court judges were more or less on the same page that it still did not give an official from the Department or Magical Transportation the right to create an advanced Portkey without any formal authorization. Moreover, it seemed that the Ministry has become less confident in Dumbledore, and that may have contributed to why Altair was not let go easily on the case. Ever since the wise old man proclaimed that Voldemort was back, many witches and wizards believed he had gone mad. After all, nobody wanted to even think of the possibility that the greatest dark wizard of all time had returned from the dead.

The revelation that Analeigh's father had once been a Death Eater also continued to bother her even when she tried her best not to judge him. She was slowly coming to terms with it, especially since his actions had proved him to be on the good side and she couldn't help but trust in the man — he was her father, for Merlin's sake. Still, it didn't mean that she fully accepted his past. It was also making her a little paranoid, as she would imagine bizarre scenarios or have crazy dreams about being kidnapped by Voldemort and his other Death Eaters. It wasn't that far-fetched that they would find her and her family, actually; Harry did say that Voldemort gathered his most trusted men at the graveyard that night. It sounded easy enough for him to track down yet another one of his old followers.

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