Chapter 17: The Yule Ball

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A/N: Not really a big deal, but I just wanted to point out that the Yule Ball takes place on the 24th in the films (which I'll be following), but on the 25th in the books :)

It was the 24th of December, 1994. Christmas Eve had finally arrived, and while this day was usually for celebrating and spending time with family and friends for many, that day, it meant that the Yule Ball would take place in Hogwarts.

"What time do you suppose we should get ready?" Hermione asked anxiously from her place in the common room by the window.

"Why do girls take so long to get ready?" Ron asked Harry who merely shrugged, looking even more confused.

Analeigh looked over at the staircase where numerous girls had begun going up to get ready. She then looked at the large clock which read 3:00 in the afternoon and couldn't help but frown. The ball began at 7 in the evening.

"Um, how long do muggles usually take to get ready for events like this?" Analeigh asked, not wanting to sound ignorant. "I mean, with magic and all, it's different..."

Hermione didn't seem to take any offense. "My mum usually takes hours —"

"Hours?" Ron gasped.

"— and that's without all the magic. But we do have potions and spells here to use, so I have no idea why all the other girls are starting now."

It was unusual for Analeigh and Hermione to be worrying so much over this. In Analeigh's case, it was because her mother was the one who usually helped her get dressed and look presentable for events like the Yule Ball, so she did all the magic for her with a wave of her wand. As for Hermione, it was quite obvious that she was a girl who didn't dwell on physical appearances and focused more on one's personality — she always believed that there was so much more to a person than their looks. However, on a night as special as this, both Analeigh and Hermione knew that this was their opportunity to dress up and feel pretty.

"You know what? Maybe we should get dressed soon, too," Hermione said with a tone of finality, evident that she had made up her mind.

"You're right. It's the Yule Ball, after all. What other chance do we have to get dressed up like this?" Analeigh agreed, standing up from her chair.

"Are you serious?" said Ron, looking up at the two girls in disbelief. "I didn't think you girls were the type to take that long just to cake your face."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "We're not going to cake our faces, Ronald."

"Since you clearly don't know, make-up is for enhancing a woman's beauty," Analeigh added.


"You'll see."

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By 6:15 in the evening, Analeigh and Hermione had finally finished getting ready. It was a good idea to start preparing at 3:00 pm because they spent majority of the time in their dorm just talking and laughing, even with their other dorm mates.

Analeigh was now sitting at the edge of her bed, slipping on her silver heels. Once they were on, she stood up and made her way in front of the full length mirror, looking at her reflection as she smoothed out the gorgeous blue dress that her mother sent her a while back. She was in awe; the colors ranged from the shades of the baby blue sky to the deep waters of the ocean, the scattered beads shone brightly with every tiny movement, and it fit her like a glove — just one of the many perks of magic and a mother who knew just exactly what her daughter liked and would look good in.

She patted down her dirty blonde hair, which was in an elegant low bun, just to make sure it didn't get messy from when it was first fixed. She saw the bathroom door swing open from the mirror where Hermione stepped out in her lilac gown. Analeigh's eyes widened and she glanced over her shoulder to take a better look at her friend.

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