Chapter 20: Butterflies

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As the end of January arrived, Harry still hadn't discovered another method to stay underwater for at least an hour. While Analeigh was extending some help to Harry, which Cedric was also aware of and fine with doing, she didn't think it would be fair to let Harry use the Bubble-Head Charm when it had been Cedric's idea from the beginning. She even brought it up with the Hufflepuff boy, but being the kind and generous person he was, he was more than willing to share the charm as well — especially since it was Harry's idea to tip Cedric off about the dragons in the previous task without question.

However, Harry was too courteous and stupidly daring for his own good, perfectly exemplifying how being a Gryffindor could be his downfall. He wanted to be considerate towards Cedric and challenged himself to find another way to survive underwater for such a long period of time. And, it was proving to be counterproductive because his tendency to procrastinate was stronger than ever.

Analeigh found herself alone in the library one afternoon during her free period. According to Lee Jordan, who she bumped into as he was just about to retrieve his books from his room, Harry was fast asleep in his room even though they had planned to do another round of searching in the library.

"He's sleeping like a rock, Heart," Lee had told her, sounding both amused and apologetic before he left the common room with the Weasley twins to head to class. Although she was slightly irritated, Analeigh decided to let the boy have his nap considering all the things he had already gone through in that school year alone, and they were just about halfway through it.

 Although she was slightly irritated, Analeigh decided to let the boy have his nap considering all the things he had already gone through in that school year alone, and they were just about halfway through it

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More than an hour later of searching and taking notes, Analeigh was growing restless. She had moved on from the Charms section and to the Transfiguration section, only to find that all the spells to transfigure oneself to become marine animals were way above her current skill level. Merlin, even those in their seventh years struggled with that type of transfiguration.

With a sigh, Analeigh pushed her seat back to return the book, only to find Cedric a few feet away behind her, a hand raised in mid-air as if he was about to tap her shoulder.

"Good Godric," said Analeigh, startled. With a huff, she lightly hit the boy's arm. "Were you planning on scaring me again, Cedric?"

He grinned and nodded almost childishly.

"You're quite a jumpy person," he said, sliding into the seat next to her.

"So that's why you like startling me so much?"

"Well, I like you." As cheesy as that line sounded, Analeigh blushed but covered it up with a groan.

Taking note of her reaction, Cedric asked, "Too much?" He chuckled when Analeigh nodded honestly in response.

Ever since their confrontation at the Great Hall where Cedric just had to kiss her in front of almost everyone, Analeigh realized that Cedric loved grand gestures and was far from shy in displaying his affection. He was already a naturally charming and flirty person without commitment, but now that he and Analeigh established that they liked each other, he was even more straightforward with how he felt and how he wanted to show it. And, though Analeigh wasn't exactly overly conservative or shy, she was still mildly surprised when Cedric snuck a quick kiss on her cheek. Butterflies erupted inside of her; it still threw her off how these were supposedly normal gestures now.

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