Chapter 42: Confidentiality

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All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities.

Despite Umbridge's latest decree, Dumbledore's Army did not stop their training sessions. In fact, they were starting to add more of them into their week because everyone was eager to learn something new every time they met up. It was tricky, though — Mr. Filch had begun following and watching them, but they fortunately had never been caught because the Room of Requirement always gave them another exit to pass, one where Filch wouldn't see them.

By the time December rolled around, the D.A. had found themselves more than familiar with loads of defensive spells — so much that Harry didn't need to teach them as a whole group anymore. He started allowing them to break out into pairs or groups to practice on their own, and he would go around the room correcting or giving them tips if it was needed.

"Very good," he told Hermione as he passed by her. "Keep your concentration."

And then, he crossed the room to where Cho Chang was standing. She was levitating Nigel up in the air while a few other D.A. members watched.

"Great," Harry commented, approaching the Ravenclaw. He gently held her hand — which was grasping her wand — and lifted it up slightly. "A little higher."

Analeigh and Ron shared knowing looks from next to them, trying their best not to make fun of their friend right then and there. Just as Harry let go of Cho, she turned to face him with a smile. However, this caused her to lose focus, and she ended up releasing Nigel.

"Whoa!" the boy cried, landing on the floor with a loud thump. Analeigh winced, knowing that was probably going to bruise him somewhere, but at the same time, she also found it very entertaining. Meanwhile, Harry and Cho were still practically sending heart eyes at one another.

"You alright there, Nigel?" Analeigh called out, stifling a laugh.

"I'm okay," he said quickly, standing up and dusting himself off as if nothing happened. "I'm okay."

Just when Analeigh thought things couldn't get any worse, it was only a few days later when the Inquisitorial Squad came into the picture. They were a group of students selected by Umbridge herself to ensure order within the castle. It was ridiculous, really — there were already prefects and the Head Boy and Girl, for Merlin's sake. But it shouldn't have been that surprising; Umbridge would do anything to make Hogwarts even more miserable than it already was since the day she entered the school.

"I can't believe the Inquisitorial Squad's a thing at all," Hermione ranted as she, Analeigh, and Ron practiced together.

"Yeah, I nearly got caught on the way here by Malfoy," Analeigh said in irritation. "That little prick."

"Be nice, Leigh. Isn't he your family?" Ron joked.

"Expulso!" Analeigh yelled at the spare box of wooden crates right next to Ron. He jumped to the side in shock as the crates exploded into pieces of debris, some of them even lit on fire.

"Leigh! You nearly killed me!" he accused.

"Maybe you shouldn't have insisted that she's related to Malfoy, Ronald," Hermione mused before cleaning up the mess they made. "Aguamenti. Scourgify."

"I'm telling mum not to give you two sweaters this Christmas," Ron grumbled. Analeigh and Hermione merely giggled at his attitude before Harry raised his voice to call everyone's attention.

"Alright, I think we can end here," he said. "Good job today, everyone. We'll meet up again this Friday."

A chorus of goodbyes and see you later's rang throughout the room. Those who started leaving thankfully cleaned up on their way out, banishing the various objects used for target practice. Meanwhile, Cho made sure to tap Harry and thank him for such a good lesson. Her hand lingered on his arm for a few seconds as the two of them exchanged a few more words. Then, she smiled shyly at him before heading to the exit.

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