Chapter 1: Analeigh, Portkeys, and a Diggory

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A/N: I've been getting a lot of questions here about the ages (and it will be mentioned in a later chapter), so before we start, I just wanna point out that the OC and Cedric turn 15 and 17 respectively after September 1st :)

"Leigh, wake up. You've got to leave early."

Analeigh groaned exaggeratedly, earning an unamused scoff from the person shaking her awake. When her eyes finally opened and she was met with her mother's face hovering above hers, she jumped away slightly and was finally brought out of her initial sleepy state.

"For Merlin's sake, mum," said Analeigh, putting a hand to her chest. "You scared me."

Analeigh's mother, Grace, rolled her eyes at her daughter and merely shrugged. "You have fifteen minutes to finish packing and get dressed. You have to Floo to the Burrow soon if you want to make it."

Once again, Analeigh groaned loudly as she ran her hands through her dirty blonde hair. "What time is it, anyway?"

"Around five."

"Five?" Analeigh gasped disbelievingly to her mom's figure as she left the room.

"Molly told me you lot have a bit of a walk to get there!"

Analeigh sighed and grudgingly got up from her bed. She picked up her rucksack full of the things she needed for an overnight stay — she would be watching the Quidditch World Cup with Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys. She met them at the beginning of the previous school year, right after she left Beauxbatons Academy and transferred to Hogwarts instead. However, the reason she was able to really befriend them was after Analeigh witnessed Ron Weasley being bitten and dragged to the Whomping Willow by a large, black dog who she later learned was Sirius Black. Analeigh, despite not knowing Ron and the others well at that time, did her best to help them out of their predicament with a notorious mass murderer. Fortunately, everything turned out fine; Sirius escaped as an innocent man while Harry, Hermione, and Ron created a newfound friendship with Analeigh — but, that's a tale for another time. All she could say now was that she was more than grateful to have them by her side. Having lived in France for most of her life, she constantly worried how she would adjust to living in Britain. After all, it was her father's relocation back to his home country that forced her to deal with it, but at the end of the day, she was thankful that it even happened.

Half an hour had almost passed by the time Analeigh had finally finished getting ready. She rushed down the stairs wearing jeans, a white jumper, and her bag slung over her shoulder.

"Mum, dad, I'm leaving!" the blonde yelled when she didn't spot her parents anywhere near the living room.

As she neared the fireplace, her mother came out from the kitchen. "Your father is at the Ministry already, but I'll tell him you said bye," she explained. "Au revoir, dear! Have fun."

Analeigh gave her mother a swift kiss on the cheek. She then grabbed a handful of the Floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, then clearly said, "The Burrow!" She was engulfed in the bright, green flames and was sucked into nowhere.

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"Ouch! Bloody hell — oops."

Analeigh stumbled into the Burrow, coughing and cursing at practically everything. Once she was successfully out of the fireplace, she took a look at her surroundings to find that only Hermione, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley were there.

"Analeigh, dear! It's good to see you!" Mrs. Weasley said at once, dropping the plate of food she held to make her way to the girl. The plump woman brought her into a hug, taking her by surprise. She had only met Mrs. Weasley a few times: at the train station at the end of the school year, then during one shopping trip to Diagon Alley once when her own mother, Grace, tagged along. But the number of times Mrs. Weasley saw a person didn't seem to matter to her; she was just such a warm and kind woman that she would welcome almost anyone into her arms, especially if they were friends with her children.

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