Chapter 36: Rumor Has It

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A/N: My online classes officially started today so I'm posting this chapter a little earlier than planned :> Hope y'all like it!

A selected number of Order of the Phoenix members were tasked with escorting Harry and the others to Platform 9 3/4 on the 1st of September. They received a lot of strange looks from muggles as they walked through King's Cross Station; it was difficult to ignore Tonks' bright pink hair, Mad-Eye Moody's glass eye and stumped leg, and of course, the unusual fashion wizards and witches wore in general. The teenagers could have passed with their more normal clothing, but their owls and broomsticks also stood out quite a bit.

"Padfoot! Are you barking mad?" Analeigh turned around at Moody's scolding voice and found a large, black dog trotting happily in between him and Harry. Sirius wasn't supposed to come with them, but he somehow snuck in. "You'll blow the entire operation!"

Sirius — well, Padfoot, as they were ordered to address him whenever they were in public — merely stuck his tongue out playfully at the ex-Auror. He then changed direction and entered a spare room, Harry quickly following after him. Moody and Tonks stood guard to ensure nothing happened to the two while they spoke, whereas the rest of the group made their way onto Platform 9 3/4.

Like every other year, the platform was bustling with students and adults of all ages, noisy with their respective conversations and the meowing or hooting of their pets. The Order members helped Analeigh and the others with their trunks and bags. After they finished, Altair pulled his daughter aside.

"Dad, the train's about to leave," Analeigh reminded him.

"I know, I know, just give me a minute," he said seriously. "I want you to be extra careful this year, Analeigh. I'm afraid things won't be the same at Hogwarts anymore."

Analeigh already knew that Voldemort's return had changed things across the wizarding world, but her father's words still sparked her curiosity.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"There's a lot of reasons why. For one, the Ministry doesn't trust Dumbledore anymore. I know you're already aware that they're trying to make him look like he's off his rocker, so they might be keeping a closer eye on him, Harry, and even you and Cedric."

"But why —"

"You may not have seen He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named after he was reborn, but it's still only the three of you who count as Harry's closest witnesses for that," Altair explained in a low voice.

"I mean, yeah, but Cedric and I are positive You-Know-Who came back," Analeigh tried. "We saw Wormtail holding that thing and everything, and —"

"But the Ministry isn't taking the words of a bunch of children seriously, nor will many other adults and their kids at Hogwarts. It's not that simple."

"So, what am I supposed to do, then?" Analeigh said confusedly.

"Try not do do anything that'll drag your name in the mud."

"That's very helpful, dad."

"I'm serious. Don't get into trouble and stay under the radar this year. Also, about that Malfoy boy..."

"What, does he know we're related?" Analeigh asked.

"I doubt it. The last time I really spoke to Lucius was before You-Know-Who's fall, and he didn't know I had a daughter nor that I changed my last name. But he's been seen in the Ministry a lot recently, and although we haven't encountered one another, I'd like to keep it that way. So, stay away from that Malfoy kid, alright?"

"You don't need to tell me twice," Analeigh chuckled.

Altair managed to crack a faint smile at those words.

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