Chapter 12: Dragons

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Faces set into scowls, fingers pointing, and whispers all around — that was how Harry's day went, and Analeigh was able to witness all that as she and him walked down the hall after their last class of the day. They had been secretly discussing during Charms whether or not to tell Cedric about the dragons, and it was an easy choice for them to decide that they should inform their fellow Hogwarts champion. It was the right thing to do, after all. But, as Analeigh observed how the students everywhere were making it a point to purposely be loud enough to say an insult when Harry passed by or how they glanced their way so obviously, she wasn't paying much attention to Harry as he continued to talk.

"So, this is what it feels like to be you," Analeigh said to Harry.

"Wha— what?" he asked, his rambling cut short.

"All these people looking this way when we pass by."

"It's not my fault trouble always finds me and makes me more infamous than usual and —"

"Harry, I was joking," Analeigh chuckled, raising a hand to signal him to stop. "I don't blame you for that, and I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way, too."

"Doesn't look like it," he muttered, nodding his head in the direction of yet another group of students murmuring and looking at the green-eyed boy.

"Oh, come on, I —"

As if on cue, a random boy below their year passed by, yelling "Cedric rules!" to Harry.

"Thanks," Harry said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. Analeigh chose to shut up as he sent her a look as if saying he was right all along.

"Oh, look, there's Cedric," Analeigh changed the subject quickly, pointing outside. Sure enough, the Hufflepuff was lying on one of the benches in the courtyard, a group of his friends surrounding him as they laughed and joked around.

Harry and Analeigh had to shove past a few people, including Ernie Macmillian and Hannah Abott, both who wore the Support CEDRIC DIGGORY— Hogwarts Champions! badge and smiled mockingly at Harry. They didn't seem to have anything against Analeigh, but she was still miffed at how rude and insensitive these people could be even if they didn't mean it.

Upon nearing the group of Hufflepuffs, Cedric already seemed to notice Analeigh and Harry walking towards him. He sat up and looked to the two of them expectantly while his friends snickered at Harry just for his mere presence, much to Analeigh's annoyance once again. She sent each of them a harsh glare, making them lower their sniggers into whispers.

"Um," Analeigh cleared her throat when no one spoke. "Can we have a word?"

Cedric raised his eyebrows at her and Harry, but he nodded and stood up anyways. Harry, who seemed to be in a rush to get away from all these people, walked briskly to the side with Analeigh hot on his heels and Cedric not far behind. They stopped at the corner of the courtyard.

"Dragons," Harry went straight to the point. "That's the first task. They've got one for each pair."

"Are you serious?" Cedric asked in disbelief. "And Fleur, Briggite, and Krum and Grigor, do they...?"

"Yes. They probably know by now," answered Analeigh. "I'm sure their headmasters have tipped them off at some point."

Without another word, Harry began to walk away. Analeigh didn't question him, knowing full well he was not in the mood for anything today.

"Hey, listen," Cedric called out, making Harry pause and glance at him. "About the badges. I've asked them not to wear them."

"Don't worry about it," was all Harry said before leaving.

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