Chapter 23: Cloud Nine

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With a gasp, Analeigh broke through the surface of the cold water, the Bubble-Head Charm fading into nothingness. Natalie, who she was still holding in her arms, looked like she had been woken from a deep sleep by being splashed with a bucket of cold water. Both of them were still feeling quite disoriented, not quite absorbing the deafening cheers around them or the fact that they had made it out of the water.


Blinking rapidly in an attempt to get her mind working again, Analeigh looked for the source of the voice, her eyes scanning the sea of people awaiting her on deck. When she was met with those striking grey eyes, she relaxed. There was Cedric Diggory, leaning over the edge and still soaking wet in his black and yellow trunks as he had rejected the towels and any form of help while Analeigh still wasn't there. His hand was outstretched, face expressing a mixture of concern and relief now that he was seeing her with his own eyes.

Analeigh's legs were screaming with fatigue after swimming for almost an entire hour, but she forced herself to move and make her way to land. She pushed Natalie before her, allowing the students ashore to assist her. Meanwhile, Cedric had grasped Analeigh's hand and was pulling her up on his own, bringing her back safely.

The moment she had set foot on the wooden deck, everyone — students, teachers, staff — was bombarding Analeigh and Cedric. She couldn't tell if they were words of concern or congratulations, but they were both thankful when they were given warm towels and robes to dry off and calm down.

"Are you hurt? Did you get held up by something?" Cedric asked frantically.

"I'm fine," Analeigh insisted. "I'm sorry if I worried you. I just noticed that Harry wasn't leaving yet and I wanted to warn him..."

As Analeigh digested her surroundings and warmed herself up, she noticed a few things. Fleur and Briggite were actually already there, as well as a Durmstrang boy that she did not recognize, and all of them wrapped in towels, too. Did this mean that they had finished the task first? she thought to herself. However, she quickly changed her mind when she noticed how worried they looked as they watched the water. Evidently, something had gone wrong.

"Did Fleur and Brigitte place first?" Analeigh whispered to Cedric. At her words, he looked over his shoulder to observe the Beauxbatons champions, eyebrows furrowing when he also saw that they looked far from happy.

Not wanting to merely guess, Cedric took matters into his own hands and approached them.

"Are you girls alright? What happened?" Cedric asked them curiously. Fleur and Brigitte tore their eyes away from the dark water upon hearing his question, and then shook their heads solemnly.

"Brigitte and I were attacked by grindylows," Fleur told him, looking close to tears.

"We got separated and I found Soren but ze grindylows followed me," Brigitte added, gesturing to the boy next to her, who Analeigh and Cedric noted was her treasure. "We zid not finish ze task."

"And my sister, Gabrielle, she —" Fleur gulped. "She eez still down z'er."

Viktor, Hermione, Andrei, and the other Durmstrang boy broke through the surface of the water next and captured everyone's attention. Upon emerging, the two champions gradually transfigured back into their human selves. The Durmstrang audience erupted in cheers, chanting their representatives' names as they were sure they had snagged second place.

"Hermione!" Analeigh exclaimed when the girl was being helped onto the deck after Viktor. Even if she was still dripping with water, she pulled her into a hug.

"Being down there felt s-so weird," Hermione managed to giggle, teeth chattering when a gust of wind blew past them. Analeigh hurriedly offered her second, drier towel to her, which Hermione accepted gratefully. "When did you get back?"

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