Chapter 3: Duels and Dark Marks

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Cedric Diggory was relaxing in the tent he and his father shared when the mayhem let loose. He was sipping a cup of tea as he sat comfortably in the kitchen area, right in the comforts of their private tent. He was alone because Amos, his father, was spending time with some Ministry officials outside, probably drinking and reminiscing their times when they were much younger.

When Cedric started to hear loud voices and shouts, he assumed that those were just people getting wasted and celebrating Ireland's win. He ignored the ruckus and focused on his delicious tea.

"Cedric! Cedric!"

Cedric was startled and nearly dropped his mug, spilling some of the tea onto the wooden table. He whipped around to find his father back in the tent and running towards him urgently.

"Father?" he questioned, getting up from his seat. "What's going —"

"Death Eaters, my boy."

Cedric's eyes widened. He had only ever heard that term from the stories his grandparents and parents told him of their time during the Wizarding War years ago, just before You-Know-Who's fall.

"What? T-They're here?" Cedric asked.

"I'm afraid they are," Amos told his son in a hurry. "You must get back to the Portkey — the one right outside the exit. The Weasleys should be there, too, but you best hurry. If they're gone, wait for me and we shall Apparate together. I will find you."

Amos gave Cedric a fast, one-armed hug before he pushed his son out the tent. Cedric had to admit that he was scared. It was a different kind of fear, much unlike the one he felt when he accidentally dropped his wand somewhere, lost a valuable item, or even when he was awaiting a test score. This was real fear, the fear of not just him dying, but also fearing for his father and many other innocent people.

Cedric burst into a run, diving into the crowd of people running away. The Death Eaters were right behind him, and even when there were Ministry officials helping people get out and trying to ward off these men, it was unnerving.

He was nearing the exit. The number of trees by his side increased the farther he ran away from the Death Eaters, indicating that he was closer to the forest, so he decided to take another route to the Portkey. He ran into the thicket of trees and only hoped he wouldn't get lost or trip over tree trunks and roots as he ran. He stayed near the clearing, though, to make sure he knew he was going the right way.

By now, the Death Eaters were retreating — well, at least some of them were — and the exit was near. Cedric felt hope begin to build up in him, but when he spotted a familiar dirty with dirty blonde hair in the middle of the clearing as the crowd thinned, he slowed down to a stop.

Analeigh Heart was there, whipping her wand out with slight difficulty but getting it out in the end. Cedric watched as she dodged a jet of red light from one of the few Death Eaters left before she herself sent a spell, yelling, "Expelliarmus!"

Cedric's eyes followed the beam of light that was directed at one of the Death Eaters. Analeigh had successfully disarmed him, causing Cedric to raise his eyebrows, impressed. But just then, the only other Death Eater left besides the disarmed one swished his wand and another spell was cast at Analeigh. Only this time, she wasn't quick enough. The stream of light hit her squarely in the back, knocking her out.

Cedric made a move towards her right as the Death Eaters Disapparated from the scene. He didn't know why they came in the first place and why they were suddenly leaving, but he pushed that thought aside since they were at least gone for the meantime. He hurriedly ran over to the girl now lying unconscious on the ground.

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