Chapter 2: World Cup Catastrophe

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When Analeigh opened her eyes on the day of the Quidditch World Cup finals, she was already in a good mood. She was glad that the people she was surrounded by enjoyed Quidditch like she did. She just couldn't wait until the final match of the World Cup. All in all, she felt like this day would be the best day in her life so far. She felt like simply nothing could go wrong.

The tent full of the Weasleys and their friends was filled with excitement. Nobody got up begrudgingly seeing as everyone was eagerly waiting for the time to head out and finally watch the final game.

When everyone had gotten up, eaten a hearty breakfast, and got ready to leave, the tent was noisier than ever together with the happy shouts and laughter coming from outside. Harry and Ron were proudly supporting Bulgaria whereas everyone else was on Ireland's side; Ginny's and Analeigh's teasing comments to Ron as he fawned over famous Seeker Viktor Krum put him in a bad mood for a while when they were about to leave, though.

"Oh, shove off," Ron had grumbled to the dirty blonde and his younger sister, who both erupted in giggles. His grumpiness soon faded when Harry assured him that Krum was in fact the greatest Seeker of all time and would no doubt bring his team to glory. Fred and George came up behind their brother, though, and continued the teasing that Ginny and Analeigh had just recently stopped.

"Ireland is going to win, without a doubt," Analeigh said to Hermione as they walked towards the stadium.

Hermione shrugged. "You know I'm not that into Qudditch, Leigh, but I do agree with you. If you want a debate on who's going to win, though, ask Harry or Ron."

"I am not talking to Leigh or Ginny. Those girls are bullies," Ron said accusingly, pointing at his sister and then Analeigh. Ginny had caught up and began walking next to Hermione who was now caught in the middle, right in between Ron and the the two girls he was accusing.

Eventually, they stopped in front of the Quidditch stadium's main entrance where a jolly man awaited them. Each of them handed their tickets as he told them enthusiastically, "Top box, as far and high as you can go!"

Mr. Weasley immediately obeyed and stepped inside happily. He reached the set of stairs first, and despite how high it was that it practically reached the sky, he kept his bright smile on his face. Analeigh, although knowing from the short time she's known Mr. Weasley, still couldn't believe how positive he could be. She hadn't even reached the first step and she was already dreading going all the way up.

By the time they were almost at the top, the entire stadium was practically filled to the brim — that just proved how long their walk was.

"Blimey, dad. How far up are we?" Ron asked, wiping the sweat forming on his forehead.

"Well, put it this way," a sneering voice cut in. "If it started to rain, you would be the first to know."

Analeigh noticed Harry, Ron, Hermione, and even Mr. Weasley tense up. She whipped around only to find the railing of the stairs behind her — the voice had come from below them. The group approached it and looked down and found an all too familiar pale, blonde boy accompanied by a man and woman similar features to his. Without a doubt, this was Draco Malfoy and his parents.

"Father got us to stay in the Minister's Box," Malfoy bragged. "Invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself!"

"Don't boast, Draco," the man Analeigh assumed to be Draco's father reprimanded, poking his son's chest with his wand. Analeigh couldn't help but chuckle at Malfoy's startled expression, but this caught their attention.

 Analeigh couldn't help but chuckle at Malfoy's startled expression, but this caught their attention

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