Chapter 21: Sweets

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A/N: Thank you so much @ElloPack for helping me translate some of the dialogue into French! Not all of them has been translated yet, though, so some of the sentences are still in italics to indicate that it's supposed to be in French haha. If there are any more of you who speak it and want to help me translate (I don't trust Google Translate bc the grammar usually gets messed up lmao), feel free to message me or comment! I'd really appreciate it :>

As the date of the Second Task drew closer, so did another big event that boys and girls alike were so worked up over: Valentine's Day. Whether it be between couples who have been together for years or individuals planning on confessing their feelings to their crush, every single person residing within the walls of Hogwarts was anxious about something.

For the first time in her life, Analeigh was one of those people. Being in her first real relationship meant this was the first time she had to give a gift to a special someone — someone who was not just a friend or crush. As much as she didn't want to be like those stereotypical girl whose thoughts were filled with ideas for Valentine's Day as the date approached, she couldn't help but be exactly like them. With her head full of those thoughts, she didn't even notice that a new batch of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students had arrived to watch the next task in a few weeks time.


Analeigh finally snapped out of her thoughts as she was about to turn the corner down to a new corridor. Expecting to find a fellow Hogwarts student when she whipped around to find the source of the voice, she was startled to see someone dressed in the fancy baby blue uniform of Beauxbatons Academy instead.

"Eet really is you," said the girl when she locked eyes with her, flocked by two other girls her age. A grin made its way onto Analeigh's face upon recognizing the all-too-familiar face of her younger cousin.

"Natalie!" Analeigh said happily, her previous worries drifting away for the meantime. Knowing that she was more comfortable with her mother tongue, she switched to French. "Que fais tu ici (What are you doing here)?"

"Madame Maxime a enfin autorisé à la deuxième partie du groupe d'élèves à venir à Poudlard pour le Tournois (Madame Maxime finally sent for the second batch of students to go to Hogwarts for the Tournament)," Natalie explained ecstatically, lightly bouncing on her heels.

"J'avais complètement oublié (I completely forgot about that)," Analeigh admitted.

"Quoi? Tu n'attendais pas l'arrivée de ta cousine préférée pour qu'elle puisse enfin te supporter? (What? You weren't waiting for your favorite cousin to finally arrive and support you?)?" Natalie feigned offense.

"Mon cousin préféré est Hugo (My favorite cousin is Hugo)."

"Il n'a que deux ans! (He's only two years old!)!"

"Je sais. Il est juste assis là et agit mignon (I know. He just sits there and acts all cute.)."

Natalie sighed in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to beat her cousin at this game especially when it was about her adorable baby brother. Suddenly remembering her friends next to her, she said, "Oh, do you remember Jacqueline and Daniella?"

She gestured to the two beside her, the both of them smiling politely at Analeigh. Though Analeigh wasn't close to her cousin's friends since they were all two years below her, she was still familiar with their names and faces.

"Of course," she replied. "It's good to finally see you here. It slipped my mind that all students from all schools would eventually come to Hogwarts to watch the rest of the tournament. How are you liking the castle?"

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