Chapter 24: Butterbeer and a Bother

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As expected, every person at Hogwarts was keen on hearing the details of what happened down in the Black Lake during the Second Task. Of course, Harry and Analeigh told their side of the story, and so did the other champions to those who asked them, too. However, it seemed that people were also very interested in the point of view of the hostages, and so, they turned to Hermione and Ron.

Whereas Hermione's account of what happened was as close to the truth as it could ever get, Ron's version of the events would subtly change over time. Analeigh didn't mind, though; it did make for a very interesting story, and it didn't harm anyone. Harry didn't seem bothered by it, either, instead finding his best friend's storytelling very entertaining.

It took everything in Analeigh not to burst out laughing a week later as she overheard Ron retell the events of the task.

"I was against around fifty merpeople, you know?" he was saying, and Padma Patil seemed to be giving him her full attention nowadays. "They practically beat me up until I stopped resisting and then they tied me up. But I had my wand hidden up my sleeve. I could've taken those mer-idiots any time I wanted."

"What were you going to do, snore at them?" Hermione scoffed. As funny as her comment was, Analeigh knew that Hermione had genuinely been on the edge recently since a lot of people — even those she wasn't familiar with at all — had started to tease her for being the thing Viktor Krum would miss the most.

Then, March arrived and it was sunnier and drier than it had been the previous weeks, though the harsh winds still survived. One morning, a brown owl with extremely ruffled feathers dropped a letter onto Harry's lap in the Great Hall.

"It's from Snuffles," he said.

"Snuffles? Who's — oh," said Analeigh in realization. She knew by then that Sirius Black was innocent, but she hadn't actually met the man. She also hadn't spoken to him through the fireplace yet since he was being extra cautious with who he came in contact with. Since he had only met Harry, Ron, and Hermione last school year and the three of them (and Dumbledore) were the only ones who knew the full truth about him, he wanted to limit his discussions with only them. Analeigh understood his reasoning for they couldn't risk his safety by including more people into their conversations. However, the trio still filled Analeigh in on some of the details of whatever they spoke of, and Sirius was also aware of who Analeigh Heart was. Hopefully, the two of them could meet when things got better.

Harry ripped open the envelope at lightning speed to reveal a letter no longer than two sentences.

Be at stoke at end of road out of Hogsmeade (past Dervish and Banges) at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Bring as much food as you can.

"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade, has he?" Ron said in disbelief.

"It looks like it, doesn't it?" said Hermione.

"I can't believe him," Harry said worriedly. "If he's caught..."

"Well, he's made it this far, hasn't he? Hogsmeade isn't swarming with dementors anymore, either. I think he'll be alright," Analeigh tried to reassure him.

Before they could enjoy their weekend in Hogsmeade, the four of them still had to go through another obstacle: double Potions. That afternoon, they were both dreading and excited for their last class of the day because while it meant having to endure Snape for two hours, it also meant that they were getting closer to the weekend they were highly anticipating.

"What will you be up to tomorrow, then?" Ron was asking her as they walked down the corridor. "You know, since Snuffles isn't exactly comfortable meeting you just yet."

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