Who's the new kid?

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Jumping out of my car I ran into the building and made it to my seat just as the bell rang. My teacher Ms. Cowder took role and then looked up at us.
" welcome class, today I would like to welcome a new student, Jake would you come up please?"
Looking up from my textbook I noticed the boy sitting in front of me in the usually empty chair.
He was a tall boy with moppy brown hair, he has startlingly pure blue eyes, he was dressed in blue jeans, a white tee-shirt and a black leather jacket. He kept his head bowed as he walked up the front of the classroom.
" class this is Jake, he will be joining us for the remainder of the school year."
I heard the class mutter, I was curious as well, we never had new students, no one in their right mind would transfer to Lakeside! And I mean NO ONE!
Lakeside was a rundown school, a place where no one wanted to stay longer then they had to. I had to unfortunately, the cheer team had after school practice 3 times a week. In my three years here I can't remember ever having 1 new student, like ever.
Lexie my best friend who sits next to me leaned over and whispered in my ear
"Whatcha think? Kinda a looker huh?"
I sighed, truth was guys like him were ranked in my book somewhere between maggots and toe fungus.
" Sure I guess."
I quickly lied, I knew this new kid was going to be the object of Lexie's daydreams for the coming months.
During lunch I was heading to my table when I tripped over my own two feet!
I swore my white shirt was history. Just then a pair of Converse stepped in front of me, I looked up and saw the new guy Jake looking down at me, he smirked and held out his hand.
"Want a hand?"
I looked up at him and accepted his hand,
I said shortly, as I stood up and made to walk away Jake rugged my back with the hand he had not let go of. I gasped as he pulled me to him.
" Where you going beautiful?"
" Away from you!"
I snapped yanking my hand free and walking off.

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