It's your choice.

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Jakes POV
Holly left the hospital yesterday, she's been lying low at home I when to visit her but she was still drugged of her pain meds that the doctor gave to her. It broke my hear that I had caused this, the only girl that I actually cared for is the one who I had to hurt. lets face it I suck at relationships. Holly did not deserve this, but she gave me a chance
to prove myself to her, so that's what I'm going to do!
Holly's POV
Jake had come to see me these past few days, but I did not want to see him, I had pretended to be drugged on the pain meds my doctor gave me. they did not really do anything to me other then numb the pain. It hurt, but not as much as my heart. I wanted to give Jake a chance but ever since he came into my life (well more life forced himself into my life) it's gone to shit! How can I give Jake a chance of its just going to fuck up my life? I placed my head in my hands. my phone buzzed. I picked it up,
"Speak of the Fucking devil..."
It was Jake,
Jake: hey baby gurl! I'm coming over in 10. I have movies and ice cream and a big bear hug with me!😉.
I could not help but laugh, I'll be the first to admit that he gives the best bear hugs. I threw him back a quick okay them lay back on my bed and smiled at the ceiling. maybe this could turn out to be more than a beautiful what if...
Jakes POV
I pulled up to Holly house with the Harry Potter movies and Star Wars. I Knew that she loved those movies. I had picked up cookies and cream ice cream for her and cookie dough for myself. Hopping out of the car I jogged up the front steps and knocked. after a minute Holly opened the door. she was where a pair of blue Yale shorts and a grey tee her cascading brown hair was thrown on top of her head in a messy bun, she smiled at me and stepped aside. I set the ice cream in the freezer and put the movies on the table,
"Think you owe me a bear hug."
I heard Holly say with amusement. I grinned and crushed her with a bear hug, she laughed into my chest, fisting my tee in her hands, I had opted for a UCLA tee instead of m usual tighter white one. she pulls back but rested her hands on my waist. She was smiling, I knocked her knees out from under her and scooped her up,
She shrieked as I threw her onto the couch and began to tickle her,
"Stop!!! No"
She squirmed trying to evade my hands. We laughed until we were both breathless, I placed my hands on either side of her head, she wrapped her hand around the back of my neck and pulled me to her. Our lips met, I turned my head to deepen the kiss, her lips were as soft and warm as always, the 'kiss' ended up turning into a make out session, her hands tangled in my hair and she wrapped her legs around my waist. After about Three minutes she pulled away. She smiled.
"I think Harry Potter and cookie dough awaits us!"
I laughed and pulled her up with me.
"Shall we my lady?"
She fake curtsied,
"Why certainly daaaarling!"
We collapsed on the couch and put in the film, and dug into our ice cream. everything was perfect, the feel of her head pressed against my shoulder, the warmth of her breath on my neck. I would not change this in a million years.
Hi beauties!😘 Hope y'all had a fantastic week! Mine sucked but hey! You can't have everything in life! Whew almost 150 reads! I know that's not much but honestly I did not think I'd get anywhere close to that! You guys are honestly the best! Ilysfm!!
Stay gorgeous,

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