Words that can't be said

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Shawn's POV
I pulled up to school, I was a little nervous I pulled my hoodie a little tighter and hoisted my backpack over my shoulder, as I Walked up to the door I saw a guy in a blue tee and black skinny jeans, a shiny pair of Jordens stuck on his feet, glancing down at my worn out converse I felt a little self conscious.
"Hey your the new guy!"
I looked up and the guy who I had noticed held out his hand!
"I'm Jake! We are kinda in the same boat, I got hear a just about a year ago."
I shook his hand
"I'm Shawn!"
He grinned he seemed like he was about to say something else but I heard a voice that made my heart skip a beat.
I turned around and saw Holly walking over, she was wearing a red bow back dress with a green sweater and brown knee high boots with buckles. In short she looked beautiful.
I looked over at Jake to apologize but he had a strange look on his face as he looked at Holly, no way he was not going to swoop in here when I have a chance with her!
I turned away and headed over to her, pushing the boundaries a bit I crushed her in a bear hug. She laughs and hugs me back. She smelled like chocolate and peppermint I pulled away, then she spotted Jake over my shoulder, I looked over at him his fists were clench and his jaw was tense. I wondered why.
I looked at Holly, she looked a little apprehensive.
"I can show you around if you want?"
I grinned
"Yeah that would be awesome!"
She grabbed my hand my heart skipped a beat. She tugged me inside the building, I could not help but think about the way Jake had acted when I hugged her. What had happened?
Jakes POV
I thought Shawn seemed like a cool guy, I head He was new and I thought I could get along with him. But when Holly showed up and I saw how happy she looked when he hugged her I felt nothing but hate to him. I gathered that he was the one who was taking Holly out after school. I marched into school and went to my class. Go figure, Shawn was there, but at least Holly wasn't sitting with him.
"Class I would like to welcome another new student to our class, Shawn would you come up hear please?"
Shawn moved to the front of the room, he looked a little nervous.
"Would someone like to help Shawn get caught up with the material?"
I prayed that the one person that was on my mind wouldn't step up, but...
"Thank you Holly! Would you go sit next to him?"
I watched Holly walk past me to sit next to Shawn, they both smiled and laughed. Seeing that made my heart feel as it someone had stabbed it with a hot knife. I got up and grabbed my stuff and left the room.
Holly's POV
I watched Jake stand up and walk out of the room, part of me wondered if he hadn't been lying and he really hadn't broken the chance I had given him. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and looked back at Shawn.
Shawn's POV
Okay something happened between them. I'm not sure what but I had a feeling Jake had hurt her, the way she looked at him and how he looked at me, like he wanted to kill me. I thought about asking Holly but I decided against it, if something had happened I guessed she would not want to talk about it.
"So you want to come over today and I can help you get caught up?"
I looked over at Holly,
She smiled,
I grinned
"I would love that, meet me by my locker?"
Jakes POV
I slammed my fist into the wall, shit! My hand felt broken. Just the thought of Shawn and Holly working together made my blood boil. I still had a chance I know she would take me back. I thought back to the conversation between my trainer and I, he said he would do anything. And that's what I decided to do.
I walked over to Holly's locker at the end of the day, she was standing there putting her books away.
She stiffened,
I decided to take it slow.
"I know you don't believe me that I didn't cheat on you, but I don't want this to tear us apart."
She raised a eyebrow,
I cleared my throat,
"So could we.... you know still be friends?"
She thought for a minute and smiled.
"Sure, I know your a nice guy, maybe we are better off as friends!"
I was about to reply when I heard a very unwelcome voice.
"Hey Holly ready to go?"
Shawn. Damm he always came at the WORST times! Holly beamed,
"Yeah!! Let's head out!"
They walked away, Shawn playfully nudged her shoulder she repeated the action making him laugh. the she turned around and waved bye to me. I raised my hand and watched the only girl I cared for fall in love again right in front of me.
Helllooooo beauties! I hope you like the story so far. I know most of my chapters suck. I'm trying to improve them. Let me know if you have any tips for moi! So what do U think of Shawn? How will Jake control himself now that he and Holly are friends? How is he going to get her back?
lol find out next time!
Remember to stay gorgeous!

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