A new start... Or not?

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Holly's POV
Shawn was sweet long after I had finished my milkshake we were still sitting in the booth talking. He was funny, he told horrible jokes that were so bad that they made me laugh. His eyes were beautiful, they seemed to stare directly into my soul! Okay that's a little cheesy but it's totally true I swear!
"You have chocolate on your cheek"
he remarked. shit!
He reached over and ran his thumb over my cheek,
"Got it!"
I felt myself begin to blush, oh god no,
I passed it off with a giggle that sounded way to girly.
"Wow thanks!"
He grinned at me.
"So what school do you go to?"
He coughed then said
"Well I just moved here and I'm starting at Lakeside High!"
"Hey! Thanks my school!"
He smiled,
"Do you think you could show me around?"
He blushed,
"Sorry that sounded way to excited."
I laughed, it felt so good to laugh with someone again.
"No no it's cool! Sure I would love to show you!"
He grinned rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"That's really did sound too excited."
I placed my hand on his arm.
"Don't worry! Your fine!"
He looked at my hand on his arm and his grin widened.
Shawn's POV
Holly was amazing! No other way to put it. I noticed her when I entered the ice cream parlor and decided to ask to sit with her, having just moved I knew no one. I thought it might be better to get to know someone before I started school so I did not feel completely alone. I had struggled with girls and school in general. Holly did not see that side of me. I was shocked how nice she was to me! I had always been a target for the popular kids, I was the one who got food dumped on him at lunch. She laughed so easily, she found my jokes funny, heck she even let me wipe chocolate off her face. I really wanted to ask if she had a boyfriend. But I decided against that. When she told me she went to Lakeside I thought my luck could not get any better. I walked out of the parlor an hour later, my heart feeling rather fluttery and a new contact in my phone. Holly had taken a goofy selfie for her contact photo. I saw her climb into a Nissan and pull out of the drive way. Wow she had a Nissan I had a junky old Honda... I saw her give me a small wave as she pulled passed me, I felt a little light heading and waved back. She pulled away I got in my car and drove home. entering my house I ran up to my room, pulling out my phone I texted Holly.
S: hey thanks for talking to me! Made my day a lot better.
Hitting send I fell back on my bed, my room had a kinda rock theme. I was not into heavy metal like my old friends. but I liked bits of it. I liked classic rock and smooth jazz. My phone buzzed, leaping up from the bed I raced over and grabbed it.
H: aww your welcome! Your so sweet!
I felt heat rush to my cheeks she called me sweet!
S: haha thanks!! Iv been told!
H: sure you have...
S: yes I have.
H: Lol okay.
Taking a deep breath I typed:
S: would you want to maybe grab starbucks after school with me?
I waited,
H: sure! I would love to!
I jumped up and punched the air!
Slow down Shawn. Keep your cool!
S: awesome I'll see you at school!
Flopping back on my bed I looked at the goofy selfie she had taken as her contact photo smiling to myself I placed my phone back on my bedside table.
So someone asked if Shawn was Shawn Mendes... He's not, I don't have the creative juices to write a fan fic... Sorry completely fictional character
Holly's POV
Grinning I hugged my phone to my chest, Shawn was so sweet! I could not wait. Wait.Why am I so excited! We where just friends, it was no going to be anything more for a while. Not until I was ready to love again.
I padded downstairs to grab some hot chocolate and think. Sipping my mug I stuck in The Lion King and curled up in my purple Snuggie and relaxed on the couch. My phone buzzed, rolling over I stared at the caller ID: Jake, ah hell no! I was not in the mood for this, my phone kept buzzing, finally I gave in and accepted the call.
Jakes POV
I waited holding my breath as I listened to the phone ring, would Holly even pick up?
I gripped the phone, she had!
"Holly? Umm it me Jake."
"Yeah, what do you want?"
I took a deep breath
"I wanted to know if you would go grab food with me after school?"
She was silent
"I can't,"
She took a deep breath and said
"Because I'm going with someone else."
Wait what? She could not have moved on that fast!
"I-I still love you, even if you gave up on me I will always love you."
She was quiet,
"Jake... I wish I could say the same... But you blew your chance... There is nothing you can do right now that can change that."
Before I could respond I heard her hang up. Shit! Why? Why did this have to happen! I had never been one for long term relationships, and the one time I actually get a chance at one I fucking blow it!! I slammed my fist into the wall. I would get Holly back! Not matter what it takes.
Hey beauties! So I'm trying to get better at writing longer updates... So I hope you guys like them! Dance and Drill has started so it's gonna take up some time. But I'll try my best to keep this story updated! I know the updates suck, but I'm trying to keep the story going. If you have any suggestions for me, I would love to hear them!
Twitter: @hannah_chick410
Instagram: Hannah_hannah17
Kik: hannah_chick420
Until next time beauties! Love you to death and remember to stay gorgeous!

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